Odd tags

This is the error i get and i have no idea what to do about it. My game worked fine for a while but then the odd tag errors started to show up. But it weren’t only the Odd tag in Clean Up errors but a lot more like CreateGroup, Enqueue and Cleanup. Can someone please help?

Odd tag in Enqueue ! / Odd tag in CreateGroup ! / Odd tag in Cleanup !
UnityStandardAssets.Water.PlanarReflection:RenderReflectionFor(Camera, Camera) (at Assets/Standard Assets/Environment/Water/Water/Scripts/PlanarReflection.cs:200)
UnityStandardAssets.Water.PlanarReflection:RenderHelpCameras(Camera) (at Assets/Standard Assets/Environment/Water/Water/Scripts/PlanarReflection.cs:97)
UnityStandardAssets.Water.PlanarReflection:WaterTileBeingRendered(Transform, Camera) (at Assets/Standard Assets/Environment/Water/Water/Scripts/PlanarReflection.cs:114)
UnityStandardAssets.Water.WaterTile:OnWillRenderObject() (at Assets/Standard Assets/Environment/Water/Water/Scripts/WaterTile.cs:59)
Odd tag in Enqueue ! / Odd tag in CreateGroup ! / Odd tag in Cleanup !

Try deleting the “Library” and “Temp” folders from your project. When you reopen unity, it will rebuild those folders and hopefully solve the issue.

What Unity version is this ? I think this bug was reported in the past, you might want to update to latest patch release.

What is your hardware?
This issue was reported by numerous people. But the QA always closes them as “non-reproducible”.
So this issue is never elevated to the developers.

Windows 10
Crucial Ballistix 8GB DDR3-1600
AMD A6-6400K APU with Radeon™ HD Graphics 4.33 Ghz
Unity version 5.3.4f1

Deleting library and temp didn’t work for me.

Try updating with latest patch release Download Archive, if it won’t help, please submit a bug report with repro project attached - Unity QA: Building quality with passion

Thank you