I’ll showcase this with SplineAnimate to simplify things.
In my examples, the animated object rolls in an odd, unexpected way.
You can see the roll as well as the rotation in the inspector.
If all knots have the same rotation:
If each knot roughly points towards the next knot:
If all knots have the same rotation BUT instead of pitch, there is yaw:
So yaw behaves as expected, pitch does not.
If instead of linear, we use bezier but with a tiny tangent:
This almost behaves as expected. The rotation is shifting a tiny bit though.
Am I misunderstanding how this should function?
This occurs with Evaluate and it appears to be the upVector that is changing between knots in an unexpected way.
I’ve also found Splines generally quite difficult to work with. Here’s an example of a bug which certainly doesn’t help: 2024-12-03 10-44-57.mp4 - Google Drive