Offers unusuable answer

History and purpose skip if easily bored:
So, Im a bit new in the unity 2d area, i have made some 2d stuff but there wasnt any real serious to it, and well, behind the scenes is a bit, well, ugly… Ive also never used playmode test cases, so, there was me stabbing in the dark, as well, i start with an empty tilemap, and my game manager then fills the game board with tiles from a list ive given it. Of course the play tests cant see that (sigh). Play tests can only see whats public so… I was trying to find the contents of a tilemap palette, and it said

public class TilePaletteAccess
    public static TilePalette GetTilePalette(string paletteName)
        string[] guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:TilePalette " + paletteName);
        if (guids.Length > 0)
            string path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guids[0]);
            TilePalette tilePalette = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path);
            return tilePalette;

        return null;

of course said me that makes perfect sense… except you cant access a TilePalette… Maybe you can with reflection but, not with the code provided… More teaching needed on what is private to unity and not accessible without shenanigans to the developer

Have you tried to send a response like “I cannot find / import TilePalette / TilePalette class does not exist.” I am just curious what he could answer next.

Also, can you provide an origin Muse question text?

As far as I know, you cannot somehow open a tile palettle asset from code. But you may try to create a Scriptable Object with serialized list (and drag&drop needed tiles in Editor) and use them instead.

if you’d asked me 24 hours ago id have been able to go back and get you the exact text but, it was along the lines of: using code I wish to get a list of all the tiles avaiable in a tilepalette for a test unit

it spouted the above - which fair do’s I was hopeful and that id been that stupid

the conversation then kinda went:
me: it says it cant find TilePallete
muse: yes my bad its an internal only class, you can get all the tiles used in a map…
me: my maps empty. I want to fill it with available tlles…

and it kinda just kept spitting how to get tiles from a map.