History and purpose skip if easily bored:
So, Im a bit new in the unity 2d area, i have made some 2d stuff but there wasnt any real serious to it, and well, behind the scenes is a bit, well, ugly… Ive also never used playmode test cases, so, there was me stabbing in the dark, as well, i start with an empty tilemap, and my game manager then fills the game board with tiles from a list ive given it. Of course the play tests cant see that (sigh). Play tests can only see whats public so… I was trying to find the contents of a tilemap palette, and it said
public class TilePaletteAccess
public static TilePalette GetTilePalette(string paletteName)
string[] guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:TilePalette " + paletteName);
if (guids.Length > 0)
string path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guids[0]);
TilePalette tilePalette = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path);
return tilePalette;
return null;
of course said me that makes perfect sense… except you cant access a TilePalette… Maybe you can with reflection but, not with the code provided… More teaching needed on what is private to unity and not accessible without shenanigans to the developer