Hi all,
An exciting time to be making games these days, and we’re glad if we played a part in helping people get into game development and make a career out of it. But things change and even before the latest discussions surrounding game engines we have been wondering what we can do to move from “democratizing game development” to be more focused on “customer success”.
We have such a huge community, and active too: more than 1,000 new posts a month. We have been discussing this for many months, and we have done a lot of things internally that aren’t exactly visible from outside, but I would be very interested in an open discussion on how we can serve you better.
Now this is likely to spawn all kinds of responses, and I’ll likely put my foot in my mouth a dozen times, but hey, I’m a fallible human just like you
Some fun-facts, observations and question to seed the discussion:
Unity has a crazy broad spectrum of users: from the largest studios down to a parent making a game on a weekend with their daughter and everything in between. And we have done a fair amount of talking to users and looking at analytics, and it’s clear we can’t make a simple divide between “Indies” and “AAA” audiences, it just doesn’t mean anything relevant in the same way that “web developer” doesn’t mean much anymore; it’s too general and doesn’t capture the challenges faced by our different types of users. Tell us who you are in this thread if you like; Freelance programmer? Student? Hobbyist? Artist? CTO of a big studio? It really helps us to know who we’re talking to in order to give comments relevant to you.
Nearly all people that have completed games are making money with Unity think it’s “really cheap” and we should charge more. Nearly all people who haven’t completed game think Unity’s the “most expensive thing on Earth”. That’s why we came out with a free version a long time ago to bridge that gap. There’s a subgroup of users that seems to be making 3D games for desktop (e.g. Steam or Kickstarters) that feel without the Pro features they can’t use Unity. How could we serve you better here and stay in business? Should Unity also offer a royalty scheme? Should we have extended Pro trial licenses? A Pro version with small watermark that you can use for development and then pay only on publishing? Ad-supported editor or something? Tell us what type of developer you are and what kinds of business model works best for you.
Many users wanted to make games for consoles but were blocked by numerous barriers to entry. Now, Unity Pro is essentially free or close to free on almost all platforms including consoles. Is this interesting to you?
Most games today are 2D games by a wide margin. Many more people making games in Asia than Europe. Many people in the forums seem to be making 3D games whereas most shipped games are 2D. Is it the case where it simply takes longer and is harder to make 3D games so you end up posting more here in the forums compared to the 2D game makers? What kind of games are you making? Where are you located?
We used to communicate a lot. Then we said some stuff, got busy with other stuff, and didn’t tell anybody. Unsurprisingly our users got angry with us and we perhaps stopped communicating as much as we should for fear of making more mistakes. We bad. Got it. Question is now what to do about it. Internally we got a lot of stuff; roadmaps, various testing groups, info on features, technical info that’s useful, etc. We’re already getting better at communication the past couple of months, and we have a ton of stuff in the pipeline, but what do you want to see? Are the technical blogs really helpful? Should devs reduce their workload and spend more time on these forums answering questions?
We used to sell software licenses only, now we also offer subscriptions. The pricing has been discussed at length in these forums and we’re up to date on the pros and cons of price, but what about preferences? Do you like subscriptions? How important is it for you to own software license?
Unity is currently closed source and we have talked about whether we should change that model for years. One of the issues with open source is that while a tool is small and focused it’s fairly easily to integrate community changes, but as it grows it becomes a tangled mess, bloated and difficult to fix. As a result most developers would stick with a certain build, use that, and only look at updating their source once their project is finished. With Unity, we have so much testing, integration and multi-platform experience we (usually) do a decent job of releasing builds that allow users to keep reasonably up to date all the time. How is your development structured? Do you like frequent updates with the knowledge your game will work on numerous platforms but no ability to tweak the source? Or you prefer to have source and manage it all yourself?
The biggest problem game developers have is: they have nothing to sell (for those that want to make games commercially). A lot of people are stuck in “development” instead of “shipping”. People that ship games have all kinds of cool tools and workflows in Unity and they love Unity because it works the way they want it to, whereas we see a lot of other people struggling to get their games done. We’re trying to help with that and have a lot of things we’ll be doing in this regard that we’ll talk about in the coming months. Meanwhile, what’s your biggest problems getting your game done? Besides fixing bugs and getting better at communicating, what are the big issues you’re facing?
As people read the replies to the thread, please keep in mind that our vocal, active community all seem to be making similar kinds of games and so be careful that the info you see here doesn’t necessarily apply to the majority. This also means I encourage those silent lurkers to delurk and have a voice; Making non-game apps with Unity? Making 2D games? Don’t speak English well and are shy? Never plan to ship and think your opinion doesn’t count? A total noob? Still a kid? Doesn’t matter! We want to hear from everybody