[Official] Multiplayer Improvements

@aabramychev Hello,

I plan to re-work the HLAPI because all time I want something to do with it i can’t. The feature that make my decision is that I can’t Stop listening new connection with NetworkServer because NetworkServer is a wrapper for NetworkServerSimple and the function “STOP()” is not accessible… (a really GOOD IDEA !!! ^^ )

So I ask you and all, if you already plan to work on the HLAPI or if I can take the task for … hum… 6 month on my free time ? If it’s useless because you will work on it soon say me :slight_smile: ?

There is already a re-work: Mirror - Open Source Networking for Unity

I speak about a real re-work. Not a bug fix.

With new class, new system. Based on what exist because I don’t want to totally break people habit. But for example you have this sort of things :

-NetworkManager.singleton.client for accessing to client. But what for the server ? nothing.

NetworkServer is a wrapper… ok but some functions are not here like the Stop() function. (and no function to access to the SimpleServerSimple (seriously… this property name ?) property).

In fact i don’t understand NetworkServer and NetworkClient if they are already in the NetworkManager. It’s just : hey use other and other singleton and maintain other and other wrapper.

Same for NetworkIdentity disabled in the scene, they are not sync (not send at all) and cause problem. A work around exists by using reflection … Why not re-work this ?

NetworkManager has a bad design, same for registring function for messages. Why only one function per message ? (via client.RegisterHandler(…) )

With things like this, I think a good re-work is necessary. (not all, NetworkBehaviour is great for example).


HLAPI Pro is amazing work but HLAPI is fundamentally garbage since between tying everything together with internal static methods and using post compile for serialization it is impossible to extend the functionality in any meaningful way.

I will check this and propose other components / fix on the repository. It will be better for everyone :slight_smile: