[Official] New Terrain System


Is that so?

Feedback Wanted: Scriptable Render Pipelines page-9#post-3414519
“Starting” Uhm, so… no new terrain system at GDC?

You got Gaia, RTP3, CTS, MegaSplat, Vegetation Studio among others.
If Unity brings a terrain system i’m not sure it will be better than those.

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Those extensions are not terrain systems, they use the old unity one with its limitations and shortcomings.



Look I’m not syaing this is the terrain things, I’m saying it’s one of the needed step toward it, just like:

  • proper gpu instancing
  • job system
  • Scriptable rendering
  • etc …

Basically they are going through the prerequisite one by one, hence hwy we don’t have actual news about the terrain system, what we have is the whole shebang broken in steps and requirement and these step turned into their own project. You’ll have the terrain system at the end.

Like most tech demos, some stuff some are hacks and won’t make it into Unity releases and some stay as GitHub separate downloads. I would not be surprised they use meshes for terrain :roll_eyes:
Many skilled devs can make visual plugins, but the most important is Unity to get a proper tiled terrain system, it’s needed for streaming and open worlds editing.

Some hack did made it into full implementation like timeline, it goes both way, I’m just saying they are unrolling the prerequisite :stuck_out_tongue: I still have to see how they handle streaming though, there is not even tech demo about it, but I guess it’s dependent on the job system.

Just a heads up, lately we’ve been working on terrain streaming systems and tiled terrains management from large datasets of real-world or custom elevation & imagery data suited for huge open world environments.

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A lot of people are now attacking the same problem… and without a heads up from Unity about what their intentions and the potential feature set and timeline are its a recipe for significant wasted time and money.

I have a new real time system with Gaia 2 that’s driven by GPU compute as well… its lovely and fast… but without understanding where Unity is going with this I am concerned that it is just a big waste of my time.


Unity new features work are not driven by plugins availability( cinemachine or the new visual shader editor).
Like Probuilder, i think Unity should really consider hiring a talented guy like you :sunglasses:

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Feedback Wanted: Scriptable Render Pipelines page-9#post-3418511

I will believe when i see it :slight_smile:

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I wonder if it would be technically feasible to use Sparse-Textures for terrains. For examle as Splat or Hightmap. :eyes:

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around -1:53:00 he explain terrain update

There is only nested prefabs and scene fragments lol
No new terrain announced.

Uh yeah sorry that video was live and the time are changing :p, it’s on the front just after the probuilder topic
should be around -2:16:00 if it’s not changing again :confused:

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“Terrain - In this worldbuilding context our terrain system has been a little neglected. Very pleased to annouce this is the year it gets it’s major update. One of the first things we did was look at the performance of the terrain. So there are really big performance boosts there. Huge reduction in the number of GC allocations. I think like a doubling of just raw CPU performance. But more importantly we just wanted to focus on the creation. There’s a longer roadmap for terrain, this is really just the first major update that we’ll be doing in 2018.2. Lots of new brushes and new UX.” After that he talks about Polybrush.