[OFFICIAL] QuickEdit: Edit any Mesh, as an instance or copy, right in Unity!


Edit any mesh, right from Unity 3D!
Fast and Intuitive: uses Unity’s built in controls for zero learning curve
Instancing or Copies: edit as an instance, or make a unique copy
Variety: one mesh can now become infinite variations!

QuickEdit allows you to edit any non-skinned mesh right within Unity 3D. This is an amazingly useful tool, and has greatly improved my workflow, as it will for you!

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Real-Time Instancing
QuickEdit adds full “instancing” support to your meshes. This means you can edit the mesh once, and all other objects sharing the same mesh will update to match, in real time. Alternatively, you can edit the mesh as a copy, and it won’t change any others.

Say you want to make several slightly different versions of a building, weapon, or character- QuickEdit lets you do this in seconds, and doesn’t clutter up your project folder.

Modify Meshes to Fit Just Right
QuickEdit is also great for modifying mesh objects to fit just right. Boulders, trees, architectural details, walls, debris- not only can you make them all fit just right, you can add tons of diversity to your gameworld, with minimal effort.

Edit Meshes Without Expensive Software
Are you using a model that came in a proprietary format (max, blender, maya, etc), and don’t have the modeling program? Or maybe you aren’t familiar with the program, and don’t want to waste time with trial and error. With QuickEdit, just select the mesh, click, “Edit”, and use Unity’s own familiar tools and methods to modify the mesh however you like.

Speed Up Development
Maybe, you want to see how a model would look with a slight change, but don’t want to waste time bouncing between programs, importing and exporting, re-building prefabs/materials/etc. QuickEdit makes it beautifully simple to try on new looks.

Thanks for taking a look at QuickEdit, let me know if you have any questions/requests/etc!

Several updates, and dropped price to $15! I’ll admit I’m surprised there hasn’t been a larger response- this tool has been incredibly useful in my own work, and I’ve had great input/responses from others. All sorts of useful to edit meshes right in Unity!

I just got this tool last week for a project and immediately realized what an essential tool it is for me. I’m not a 3D artist but I mess around with meshes all the time in Unity, and this tool gives me enormous freedom to tweak and fuss to get meshes just how I need them in a project. Very simple and easy to use, and great support from the developer. It’s a lifesaver on this current project and I expect to use it on every project going forward – especially when working with models from turbosquid and the asset store. Highly recommended!

Thanks Dave!

Can I please request a feature?

soft selection (with sliders for strength and falloff)

This would really open up a lot of options for making edits to terrain, characters, faces, etc…

Great idea radimoto- we are hoping to have something like that added to ProBuilder very soon, and we’ll merge the tech over to QuickEdit for sure.

Hi, can edit existing meshes (I think yes:)) but also use this in Unity animations?

QuickEdit does not work with animated meshes yet, sorry!

Is it possible to add a feature for selecting and editing polygons in this tool?

Sure, I think we’ll add this and several other editing features in the future, but not relatively soon. ProBuilder is the current focus :slight_smile:
Thanks for the interest!

Looking for a tool to snap a vert from one object (that’s being edited) to another vert from another mesh. This is to fix sloppy 3rd-party “modular” content. Can QuickEdit do this?

Thank you!

Hi lod3- yes, that will work just fine with QuickEdit. Just double-checked that myself!

Sounds like a perfect use for the tool. Good timing too, as v1.4 was just shipped, which makes it compatible with Unity 4.3 (and all the way back to 3.5).

i wonder if this could be used for the type of customization in Sims 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oMxVGmeO-s
where you can just click and drag the bridge of the nose down to elongate. or widen the hips by pulling them. completely getting rid of sliders.

I get this error since upgrading to 4.3.4:
Assets/6by7/QuickEdit/Scripts/Editor/QuickEdit_GUI.js(40,55): BCE0004: Ambiguous reference ‘constructor’: UnityEngine.GUIContent.constructor(UnityEngine.Texture, String), UnityEngine.GUIContent.constructor(String, String).
Assets/6by7/QuickEdit/Scripts/Editor/QuickEdit_GUI.js(60,55): BCE0004: Ambiguous reference ‘constructor’: UnityEngine.GUIContent.constructor(UnityEngine.Texture, String), UnityEngine.GUIContent.constructor(String, String).

Hey! The plugin works very well, i save the project and the scene, but after i close and open again the project, the meshes are back how they was before (original meshes). Whats the problem? Thanks!

Sure, that would work, though you would need to change a few things to make it an in-game tool.

Since this is a complex issue, could you post it to the official support forum at “www.procore3d.com/forum”? Thanks!

Sounds like you need to edit as a “Copy” first- otherwise you are editing as an “Instance” on the original, and Unity will auto-revert the changes. Check the documentation for detailed info on that: www.procore3d.com/docs/quickedit

Hi, you said I would need to change a few things to make quick edit an ingame tool. I would like to do that :smile:

Yep, you would need to, however it would be a very custom thing and I wouldn’t know exactly what, that would rely entirely on your game/code, sorry :frowning: Best bet is to dig through the existing code and find how to apply it in your specific case, using portions of QuickEdit, or an entirely custom solution :slight_smile:

Maybe obvious but… What is the advantage(s) of QuickEdit for one who is already using Probuilder?

Good question! :slight_smile: ProBuilder can only edit “ProBuilder Objects”, whereas QuickEdit can edit just about any imported mesh at all (skinned meshes being the exception).