Here are the official Unity 2 built-in skin, as well as the photoshop file it came from…
53748–1951–$builtin_skin_515.unitypackage (287 KB)
53748–1952–$ (399 KB)
Here are the official Unity 2 built-in skin, as well as the photoshop file it came from…
53748–1951–$builtin_skin_515.unitypackage (287 KB)
53748–1952–$ (399 KB)
What version of photoshop was this made in? Opening in 7 causes corruption. Do I need CS3?
Sort of an odd request, but could you possibly also make the built in editor skin available? It would really save me some time compared to me (and my world renowned artistic skills) reproducing it.
Can we have skin for PC?
What do you mean? The skins provided should work in Unity on both Mac and Windows.
The psd file wont work in PS 6.
Yeah its old but new versions cost money and this is the first file I’ve ever had problems with.
Knowing what version its from would help.
I might get CS2 but not the really expensive ones.
Oh how I install it then?
there already there, the built in ones. They are when you have no GUI skin set.
Or to import the skin to actually take a look at its settings, simply download the Unity package file above, then open your project and double-click the package file and it will import everything into your project. As noted above the default skin is always there just sort of “hidden” from view. Manually importing the package above lets you see the settings and textures and then customize from there.
You have posted the .psd but the skin uses .pngs files for all the pieces? Were all the .pngs cut by hand from the .psd?
Sorry I know it’s been a long time since you posted on this topic.
I use Photoshop’s Save For Web And Devices in the file menu (usually referred to as SFW)
It’s really nice for this kind of stuff - you can cut the image up into a gazillion slices and assign a filename to each slice. Then you use SFW to make it spit out all images at once).
The Unity3 skins are made this way. I generate around 500 images from a few photoshop files.
Are the built-in editor skins for 3.0 available for download?
Figured out a workaround to copy GUIStyles and textures from the editor skin to my own skin:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
public class CopyEditorSkin : EditorWindow
public GUISkin skin;
public static void Init()
CopyEditorSkin window = (CopyEditorSkin)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(CopyEditorSkin));
public void OnGUI()
skin = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(skin, typeof(GUISkin)) as GUISkin;
if (skin == null)
GUI.enabled = false;
if (GUILayout.Button("Copy Editor Skin"))
GUISkin builtinSkin = EditorGUIUtility.GetBuiltinSkin(EditorSkin.Inspector);
GUIStyle button = skin.FindStyle("Button");
GUIStyle copyButton = builtinSkin.FindStyle("Button");
button.normal.background = copyButton.normal.background;
// and so forth...
However I can’t figure out a way to save the textures to disk so I can modify them.
Does anyone know a way to save these built-in textures?
Or a quicker way to copy the built-in editor skin?
[EDIT: Actually this doesn’t seem to survive restarting the editor… it just looked like it worked ]
Okay, this editor script seems to do what I want:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
public class CopyEditorSkin : EditorWindow
public GUISkin mySkin;
public EditorSkin editorSkin = EditorSkin.Inspector;
string[] stylesToCopy = new string[]
public static void Init()
CopyEditorSkin window = (CopyEditorSkin)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(CopyEditorSkin));
public void OnGUI()
mySkin = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("My Skin", mySkin, typeof(GUISkin)) as GUISkin;
editorSkin = (EditorSkin)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Editor Skin", editorSkin);
if (mySkin == null)
GUI.enabled = false;
if (GUILayout.Button("Copy Editor Skin"))
foreach (string styleName in stylesToCopy)
void CopyEditorStyle(string styleName)
GUISkin builtinSkin = EditorGUIUtility.GetBuiltinSkin(editorSkin);
CopyGUIStyle(builtinSkin.FindStyle(styleName), mySkin.FindStyle(styleName));
void CopyGUIStyle(GUIStyle from, GUIStyle to)
{ =;
to.normal = from.normal;
to.hover = from.hover; =;
to.focused = from.focused;
to.onNormal = from.onNormal;
to.onHover = from.onHover;
to.onActive = from.onActive;
to.onFocused = from.onFocused;
to.border = from.border;
to.padding = from.padding;
to.margin = from.margin;
to.overflow = from.overflow;
to.font = from.font;
to.imagePosition = from.imagePosition;
to.alignment = from.alignment;
to.wordWrap = from.wordWrap;
to.clipping = from.clipping;
to.contentOffset = from.contentOffset;
to.fixedWidth = from.fixedWidth;
to.fixedHeight = from.fixedHeight;
to.fontSize = from.fontSize;
to.fontStyle = from.fontStyle;
to.stretchWidth = from.stretchWidth;
to.stretchHeight = from.stretchHeight;
You end up with a skin that looks like the built-in editor skin that you can now extend with custom styles… which is what I was looking for.
Would still like to download/save editor skin textures to use them as a starting point for custom styles…
Okay, found EditorUtility.CopySerialized which seems to do the trick:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
public class CopyEditorSkin : EditorWindow
public GUISkin mySkin;
public EditorSkin editorSkin = EditorSkin.Inspector;
public static void Init()
CopyEditorSkin window = (CopyEditorSkin)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(CopyEditorSkin));
public void OnGUI()
mySkin = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("My Skin", mySkin, typeof(GUISkin)) as GUISkin;
editorSkin = (EditorSkin)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Editor Skin", editorSkin);
if (mySkin == null)
GUI.enabled = false;
if (GUILayout.Button("Copy Editor Skin"))
GUISkin builtinSkin = EditorGUIUtility.GetBuiltinSkin(editorSkin);
EditorUtility.CopySerialized(builtinSkin, mySkin);
GUILayout.Label("NOTE: This will delete all Custom Styles!");
Much simpler, but it does delete all custom styles in the destination skin. I realized the previous script probably needs to do a deeper copy, but this script works fine for now…
It’s also cool to use this script to poke through the 287 custom styles in the built-in editor skin! It helps to see how the Unity GUI was built with GUISkin… and it’s easier to copy bits here and there instead of making editor styles from scratch. For example, to make a ToolbarSearchField that looks the same as Unity’s…
'xcuse me if I haven’t read smth corresponding but can you explain me… I attach the result of working of the script attached in the first post. No text. Various dimensions. Is this intended?
Further problems appears when I try to add some custom styles. With the same options of GUIStyle the styles behave unpredictable… :?:
Try the last posted script. The first one just illustrated the general idea…
May i know how to use this script?
public static void Init()
CopyEditorSkin window = (CopyEditorSkin)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(CopyEditorSkin));
I copied this file into my project because I need to get the default skin texture but Unity chokes on the
What do I have to do to get this to run in Unity 3?