[Official Unity Learn Event] “Learn-Along” featuring Roll-A-Ball on Unity Learn!

Hello Unity Community!!! Welcome to our very first Learn-Along featuring Roll-A-Ball on Unity Learn! :soccer: :basketball: :baseball: :volleyball: :8ball:

From December 9 through December 16, 2024, our Unity Community team members and Unity experts will be standing by on this thread to support you with any troubleshooting or encouragement you need to complete this short but mighty 3D beginner course.

Who is This Learn-Along For?

Are you just getting started on your game development journey? Have you used Unity before but haven’t been in the Editor in a while/are trying to improve your game dev skills? Are you a teacher looking for an exciting and accessible introduction into Unity and game development?

If you said yes to any of the above, this Learn-Along is just for you!

How Do You Start the Learn-Along?

Start the Roll-A-Ball Learning Project on Unity Learn by clicking here! You’ll be greeted with the individual tutorials that make up the Roll-A-Ball project. Follow them step-by-step and work your way towards your very

This content is self-paced so please take your time and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!!!

What You Will Learn?

While following along with Roll-A-Ball, you’ll:

  • Use Unity Editor and its built-in capabilities to set up a simple game environment.
  • Write your own custom scripts to create the game functionality.
  • Create a basic user interface to improve the game experience.
  • Build your game, so other people can play it!

Project Objectives

  • Understand how to Navigate the Editor
  • Create Scripts in C#
  • Set up input using the new Input System.
  • Create a Basic User Interface

What Do I Do After I Complete The Roll-A-Ball Project?

Your journey is not over!!! After completing the Roll-A-Ball Learning Project, we highly encourage you to “remix” your game and add your own unique touch to Roll-A-Ball.

Follow this link to a special tutorial that will help you Make Roll-A-Ball Your Own!

Explore tips for building on the original Roll-A-Ball project. Learn how to swap out assets, add custom sounds, go wild with VFX, and generally transform this basic game into an expression of your unique imagination.

When you’ve completed your own very special version of Roll-A-Ball, you’ll be able to submit you’re work to the Roll-A-Ball Showcase on Unity Play to be considered in one of these five categories:

:medal_sports: Best Overall
:partying_face: Most Fun
:tv: Best Graphics
:headphones: Best Sound
:face_with_monocle: Weirdest (Up to interpretation. Art is subjective, yeah? Haha.)

We’ll also be streaming on Twitch + YouTube, featuring submitted submissions and award winners!

Post In This Topic With Any Questions Throughout The Week!!!

As mentioned above, the Unity Community team and Unity experts will be standing by on this thread to support you with any troubleshooting or encouragement you need!

Please keep posts on-topic, be respectful + kind, and don’t be afraid to jump in and help your fellow learners as you all go along this journey!!!

Thank You So Much!!! Happy Learning!

On behalf of the Unity Learn and Community team, Happy Learning and let’s get the ball rolling!!! :sunglasses:


What is the anticipated pacing on this? If I have macs with Unity installed and allow high school or middle school students to sign up, is this one or two or more-hour activity?

Is there any specific version of Unity or other software I need to have installed?

(I’m a Computer Science teacher and know C, python, etc., but not Unity.)


Hey there, the overall estimated length of the course, which will get you to the basic “Roll-A-Ball” game, is around 3 hours. If you’re breaking that across 5 days of instruction, one approach would be to break it up this way:

Day 1 - Setting Up the Game + Moving the Player
Day 2 - Moving the Camera + Setting Up the Play Area + Creating Collectibles
Day 3 - Detecting Collisions + Displaying Score
Day 4 - Adding AI Navigation + Building the Game
Day 5 - Catch up and additional customization/modding

We’d recommend installing Unity 6, which is the latest Unity Version. But if you have an older LTS version (like Unity 2022.3) it should still be possible to follow along.

The course has not prerequisites but it certainly couldn’t hurt, if you have the prep time, to check out Unity Essentials (especially the first Mission).


wooooohoooo Let’s go GDevs.


Hello Anyone active??

I need help

My player is not moving after attaching the playerController script.

I am stucked on the second topic called move the player.

Hey all, thanks to everyone who participated in the Roll-A-Ball Learn-Along. Just a quick announcement to let you know that we’ve decided to extend the submission deadline for the Unity Play Roll-A-Ball Challenge until January 5, 2025. Hope this gives everyone some extra time to finish off their project or add a little extra “spin” to it.

Happy continued jamming!

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I Just spent the whole night working on my game and finishing the level.

BTW thanks.

Here is what i am working on.

Any suggestions?

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I learned a lot of things while working on this project.

I spent a whole 12 hours just to learn and make a simple UI

Now I know why game’s take so much time to develop.

Hello everyone. I did the roll a ball tutorial 9 years ago, then life got in the way and took a break from learning. Just coming back and restarting, going through the junior programming class.

If anyone wants ideas or inspiration I have two roll a ball games on itch.io. Just search my user name Ryeath. Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.

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Can you please help me create a realistic mirror in unity?

I created one using plane, render texture and a camera.

It doesn’t look realistic because i am using cinemachine free look camera…

please help me!

I worked all night on my game and uploaded it today as a WEBGL build. However, no matter what I tried, the web version of the game never loads. I tried uploading several builds, but I had no success. :frowning: :sob: My game is called ‘Incrediballs’. Can you tell me if there is any possibility to get one of my uploads running and tested by the jury, or is it impossible to evaluate my game in this state? Thank you for your support and have a nice Sunday!

Best regards,

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Have you checked the decompression Fallback??

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According to my Browser console I receive error 404 after opening the web app.

Btw, apologies for flooding the showcase with 4 build versions of my project. :sweat:

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have you checked this option?

Decompression Fallback?


I haven‘t. But I‘ll to make another build with decompression fallback. Thanks for your advice! :pray:t2:


it will work 100 percent after that.

but I am sad that you were unable to submit your game on time :disappointed_relieved:

I can feel that.

The same happened to me.

I found Brackey’s tutorial which saved my time.

I have rebuilt the project. However, it’s still not working. :confused:

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