Officially recommended workflow to set up a "list of items" in Editor window?

1 C#

Together these should produce an Editor window that has a “Scrollable List of items”.
“List” can technically be a “ScrollView, ListView or…?”. “Items” can be buttons, labels, IntFields. Not just property fields (because then why even use these tools) but at least VisualElements such as Labels :wink: Data source in C# can be anything, just a of Strings.

What would be “a right way using UI Builder in the UI Tools framework”, to produce such a UI “list”?

Trying to use the “Official right ways”:

  • UXML (produced by UI Builder) should create all objects (so UI Builder can be used to design an “Item” to be cloned, no codeporn inline in C#, clear separate functions

  • C# should create “items” on “list” from C# held Array or C# List for example

  • C# should offer delete “item” on “list” and refresh “the list” (but not the entire UI, how is dynamic update handled in the Retained Mode system?)

  • C# should should offer easy reference to what happens if user press one of the “items” on the “list”

Thank you very, very much out there :slight_smile:
Disclaimer: I tried to start another tread on this topic , but it’s drowning in “alternative suggestions”, so I have realized I have to ask with focus on this key point that I before took for granted:
Unity writes: “Although you can build interfaces directly in C# files, Unity recommends using UXML documents in most cases.” → Please do not discuss that, it is my goal to learn this :wink:

Please don’t create duplicate threads like this. I think your other thread asking the same question was going quite well. See the answer there: Simple *Get-Started on Scrollview*?