Long story short, my brother is currently behind bars and is doing as much learning for unity as he can. I have all the Offline Documentation but in order for him to be able to view it where he is at he needs it in PDF format. I have combed the forums for an answer but nothing has worked.
Can someone hit me with a step-by-step to get the documentation into PDF with a working index so he can navigate through it? It would be highly appreciated. If not, thank you for your time.
I guess searching HTML to PDF. There’s a ton of pages although it all fits in 700MB.
HTML should be viewable without internet by the default browser, although very likely they even locked down any browser even without internet connexion.
Also look for HMTL to CHM or HLP files, these can be viewed by Windows PCs, they are ‘help files’ typically when you click ‘?’ in some programs.
The documentation is located at: Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor<Your Version>\Editor\Data\Documentation\en