Offline Multiplayer 2 Players

This is my first time making a game in Unity so my knowledge is limited.

I have made a race game for 2 players with a split screen, now I want to make a character selection menu but I have no idea where to start.
The menu has 3 cars and when both players have selected their cars I want those cars to spawn for the designated player.

EDIT: To give more information. The gameplay is finished I have a splitscreen with 2 cameras showing player1 and player2 each with their own controls.
Now I just need to figure out how to make a character selection screen.
I hope this was somewhat helpful.

Thank you.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class PlayerCar : MonoBehaviour {
	public WheelCollider WheelFrontLeft;				
	public WheelCollider WheelFrontRight; 
	public WheelCollider WheelBackRight;
	public WheelCollider WheelBackLeft;
	public float maxTorque = 50f;						
	public Transform CenterOfMass;						
	public float lowestSteerAtSpeed = 50f;				
	public float lowSpeedAngle = 10f;					
	public float highSpeedAngle = 1f;
	public float deceleration = 30f;
	public float currentSpeed = 0f;
	public float topSpeed = 150f;
	public float reversalSpeed = 50f;
	public bool brake = false;
	public float maxBrakeTorque = 100f;
	private float mySidewayFriction; 
	private float myForwardFriction;
	private float slipSidewayFriction;
	private float slipForwardFriction;
	public int[] Gear;
	public int currentGear;

	private Vector2 pivotPoint;
	public GameObject sparks;
	public GameObject crashSound;

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		SetupCenterOfMass ();

	// Update is called once per frame
	void FixedUpdate () 
		CarControler ();
		HandBrake ();

	void Update()

	void CarControler()

		currentSpeed = Mathf.PI*WheelBackLeft.radius*WheelBackLeft.rpm*120/1000;
		currentSpeed = Mathf.Round(currentSpeed);
		if(currentSpeed <= topSpeed && currentSpeed > -reversalSpeed && !brake)
		WheelBackRight.motorTorque = maxTorque * Input.GetAxis("Vertical"); 		
		WheelBackLeft.motorTorque = maxTorque * Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
			WheelBackLeft.motorTorque = 0;
			WheelBackRight.motorTorque = 0;
		if (Input.GetButton("Vertical") == false)									
			WheelBackLeft.brakeTorque = deceleration;
			WheelBackRight.brakeTorque = deceleration;
			WheelBackLeft.brakeTorque = 0;
			WheelBackRight.brakeTorque = 0;

		WheelFrontLeft.steerAngle = 8 * Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal"); 				
		WheelFrontRight.steerAngle = 8 * Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal");

	void HandBrake ()
		if (Input.GetButton("Jump"))
			brake = true;
			brake = false;
		if (brake)
			WheelBackLeft.brakeTorque = maxBrakeTorque;
			WheelBackRight.brakeTorque = maxBrakeTorque;
			WheelBackLeft.motorTorque = 0;
			WheelBackRight.motorTorque = 0;


	void EngineSound()
		int i = 0;
		for(i = 0; i < Gear.Length; i++) 
			if(Gear *> currentSpeed)*
  •  	{* 
  •  		currentGear = i;*
  •  		break;*
  •  	}*
  •  }*
  •  float gearMinValue = 0.00f;*
  •  float gearMaxValue = 0.00f;*
  •  if (i == 0)*
  •  {*
  •  	gearMinValue = 0;*
  •  }*
  •  else*
  •  {*
  •  	gearMinValue = Gear[i-1];*
  •  }*

_ gearMaxValue = Gear*;_
float enginePitch = ((currentSpeed - gearMinValue)/(gearMaxValue - gearMinValue)+0.3f);_
audio.pitch = enginePitch; _

* void SetupCenterOfMass() *
* {*
* if(CenterOfMass != null)*
* rigidbody.centerOfMass = CenterOfMass.localPosition;*
* }*

There are several ways to do it, if you have already made your character screen, and are looking for a way to progress the game, to spawn the characters, when both players have selected, then you can use two booleans, to check when the players have selected, this is just a lose idea of how you can do it, like anything in coding, it can be done tons of ways, but you could do it like:

Example 01:

bool Player1Ready = false;
bool Player2Ready = false;
void SelectedCar (int Player)
	if(Player = 1) Player1Ready = true;
	if(Player = 2) Player2Ready = true;
	if(Player1Ready == true && Player2Ready == true)
		// start game!
		// only one player is ready...

Please note, this assumes you have the player number, and leaves a few areas open to be fixed, such as, can they repick the car, and also you probably want to store a note about what car they picked. So now the players have both picked a car, and you end up with both booleans returning true, then you call your start game function. This function should hide your interface, and spawn the players. The way you spawn players cars, is by having some logic about what car they picked, then having the prefabs referenced, instantiating them, example:

Example 02:

void StartGame
    public Transform Car_01;
    public Transform Car_02;

	if(player1schoiseofcar == 1)
		Instantiate(Car_01, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), Quaternion.identity) as Transform;
		Instantiate(Car_02, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), Quaternion.identity) as Transform;
	if(player1schoiseofcar == 2)
		Instantiate(Car_01, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), Quaternion.identity) as Transform;
		Instantiate(Car_02, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), Quaternion.identity) as Transform;

Now again, your question is so open, that this is just a guidance, obviously you need to handle everything so it matches your game, and you also need whatever logic you have for giving each player control of their own car. But I hope this can get you started. If this solved or helped you, remember to mark it as answer.

Relevant documentation: