I wrote a script that will play random animations attached to the same object (actually only 2 different animations at this point) and then pause for random seconds. I tried to do this using InvokeRepeating() but you can’t pass in parameters to the function you are repeating that way. Here’s what I came up with:
#pragma strict
private var windZ : GameObject;
private var treeWind : String;
private var treeWind_sm : String;
private var treeWindLength : float;
private var treeWind_smLength : float;
private var lengthOfBlow : float;
private var ranSecs : int;
function Start () {
windZ = gameObject.Find("WindZone");
windZ.active = true;
treeWind = "TreeWind";
treeWind_sm = "TreeWind_sm";
treeWindLength = animation["TreeWind"].clip.length;
treeWind_smLength = animation["TreeWind_sm"].clip.length;
lengthOfBlow = treeWind_smLength;
ranSecs = 5;
function DoWind(): IEnumerator{// Don't know how the IEnumerator thing works -- just does
// allows recursion -- console comments gave it to me
if(lengthOfBlow == treeWindLength){
yield WaitForSeconds(treeWindLength + ranSecs);
if(lengthOfBlow == treeWind_smLength){
yield WaitForSeconds(treeWind_smLength + ranSecs);
var forMakingRandom : int = randomRangeInt(0, 2);
case 0:
lengthOfBlow = treeWindLength;
case 1:
lengthOfBlow = treeWind_smLength;
ranSecs = randomRangeInt(5, 21);
function randomRangeInt(min:int, max:int):int {
var randomNumInt : int = Random.Range(min, max);
return randomNumInt;
Some error messages from the console gave me the hint to make the DoWind() function typed as IEnumerator and that would allow it to work as a recursive function – which it did. It works very well. What bothers me is that I don’t understand how it works or why typing a function a IEnumerator will magically allow it to work as a recursive function. Is there a better or “healthier” way to do this? Is the IEnumerator thing a permanent part of Unity/JavaScript? Is it likely/not likely to be deprecated in the future? Thanks.