Old Navmesh data stuck in scene.

I have a scene I’m building and am using the navmesh component system to bake nav data on a root object of the visible scene. I noticed that there appears to be two nav meshes overlapping each other after I added new geometry that required a re-bake. I click “Clear” on the Navmesh Surface component and it clears my new data, but the old data stays on the object.

I know it’s still active too because a navmesh agent I have starts to jitter and turn in a weird way when I stand in the overlap, as if it’s fighting to figure out which navmesh to use? I tried deleting the root object and re-parenting it’s contents to a new object, but as soon as I add the navmesh surface component, the residual data returns.

Can anyone help me figure out how to fix this? Is it a bug? I just updated the project to 2018.2.0f2, although the issue was present before in 2018.1.7 i think. I’m going to try re-importing the navmesh component package.


Okay, as soon as I posted this I thought of something. I went to the data folder for my scene and deleted the navmesh maker asset file, this removed the old data. Guess I accidentally baked the navmesh with the normal baker once or something. Silly me.