Older used G4 and Unity iPhone Dev - Will I have issues?

Hi there,

I’m considering purchasing this used G4:

for the sole purpose of using it for iPhone game dev.

The owner has maxed the RAM up to 1.5 and it will
have Leopard installed (owner claims it passes all
Tech Tool Pro 4.6.2 Tests meeting minimum requirements).

My intention for doing this is that I would like to
get started on my game(s) now instead of waiting for
the PC version of Unity to be released.

So my question…will this machine be a good, reasonable
system such that I won’t be have to ‘wait on it’ in
the process of development?

Thanks for any insight! :slight_smile:

iPhone development requires an Intel Mac with OSX 10.5.3 at least.
Otherwise you are not able to develop for the iphone, there is no iphone SDK for anything below that, especially there is and never will be one for the PowerPC Macs

thanks for the fast reply, dreamora. :slight_smile:

guess that clears that up then. :lol:

Look around and offer trades. I traded a G4 iBook for an intel Mini. That’s all you need for iPhone development.