OmniMotion's MotionSDK problem


did anyone tried OmniMotion’s MotionSDK? Non of the examples that came with it worked for me in Unity Pro 3.5.5.
MotionSDK discovered my camera, but it won’t start it. It falls at this line in SeeUnity.cs, started is always false.

bool started = (0 != SeeUnity_Native_StartCamera (idx, "ViveMotion_SeeWeb", 348785566));

Did anyone else experienced problems with this tool?

I had a heck of a time at first, but then i found a diferent version of the sdk that just had .package files and a few examples, those seemed to work out of the box

got it from

the other version included eclipse projects, and required you to move the staging area into eclipse and never ended up working for me

Yeap, I got it there first time. Downloaded it today again, but still not working (laptop with integrated camera, Win 7 64-bit and Unity 3.7 Pro). I’ve contacted their helpdesk and they don’t have a clue.