[ON -60% SALE !✅] Particle Dynamic Magic URP -Advanced FX Framework (Decal, Particle, Spline, AI)

Particle Dynamic Magic 2 is a global gameobject, decal, particle & spline control and effect creation framework, that will cover most needs in your effect making pipeline. It is made for easy understanding every module so it can be extended and is working directly in Unity editor with full compatibility for all Shuriken effects in the Asset Store. The 300+ advanced dynamic effects library is a free bonus !!! a first in the industry offer at that price point. Join the revolution today !!!

The system is super optimized with Multithreading, Pooling, Custom Static/Dynamic Batching and Single Source Distribution for ultimate performance**.**

Special FX summary: Heat seaking missiles, chain lightning, fire cast & propagation, gameobject particle painting, physics based splines, particle to particle collisions and there are more to be added.

Particle Dynamic Magic 2.0 has been submitted and will be available soon at the store. New price will be set at $90.

Particle Dynamic Magic v2.0 demo
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/79230236/Particle Dynamic Magic 2/PDM 2.0 DEMO.html

Note that the demo right side menu cycles through the major categories (Decals, Ribbons, AI etc) and the left side menu cycles through the effects in each of these categories.

Feedback on the demo would be most welcome :slight_smile:

Particle Dynamic Magic 1.0

Particle manipulation framework that supports particle and gameobject emission from dynamic splines, animated/procedural meshes, projected, painted and propagated positions.

Turbulence, forces, gravity and many more effects can be used for particle manipulation. The transition manager can move particles among emitters and the music module will make particles dance to the rythm with various levels of control.


Feature summary:

  • Uses Shuriken particles and is compatible and applicable to every single Shuriken particle in the asset store. No more making all effects from scratch using a closed system. Breath new air and dynamics to all existing Shuriken effects in the store !!!
  • Multithreaded and optimized, with constant updates to sqeeze every bit of performance possible, while allowing maximim usuability.
  • Extremely easy to use, the 200+ samples (soon to be 250-300 in v1.8) covers every advanced setup possibility, with ready to use prefabs that can be instantiated from the included prefab manager.
  • Extremely easy to adapt and expand. The scripts are not hidden within a impossible to decypher formation of code usually found in such complex systems and each system can act as standalone, for much better clarity and the ability to include only what is atually needed in your project.
  • Complete control of particles, with advanced effects like Gravity, Turbulence and dynamic vortex creation.
  • Infinite emission posibilities, emit from procedural/skinned mesh (with or without mask, inherit texture colors option), projected, painted, propagated, sprayed positions and much more
  • Transition particles among emitters like splines, meshes with smooth transition and particle type change option.
  • Use Gameobject Particles in all modules, that can also be combined with the particle system in one solution. Now particles can be scripted, animated and even have AI (a new AI system is coming in v1.8 as well)
  • Complete spline system, that can be used both in real time (full edit possibilities, includes real time handling and demos) and in editor.
  • Advanced effects like particle to particle collisions, 2D collisions, homing missiles, auras, physics setups (e.g. rubber spider), dynamic chain lightning with propagation
  • Realistic Fire/ice spread, spray and melt system (spray real fire that can propagate and stick properly to every surface, or ice that can melt)
  • Includes a complete custom static/dynamic batching system, for lowering draw calls when gameobject particles are used
  • Play and move particles on the music beat, combined with th transitions module
  • and much much more !!!

Effect showcase Webplayer:

Turbulence demo:
Phoenix demo (v1.0):
Break and Reform (with gameobjects and particles) (v1.0)
Mage Duel Demo (v1.0):

Most effects in the demo are interactive, grab and play with the manipulation spheres to see the dynamic nature of the effects.

MUSICles video, showcasing the music and transition modules.


A new bundle with Global Illumination Proxy system and Angry Bots demo included will arrive in October. More at: [NEW OFFERS !!] Advanced FX Creator - Particle Dynamic Magic, GI Proxy & Anrgy Bots minigame - Community Showcases - Unity Discussions

Feature summary (v1.2)

  • Global forces (gravity, planar gravity, swirl and spin effects, repel/attract)
  • Turbulence (multithreaded, dynamic vortex generation and control)
  • Dynamic Particle coloring
  • Particle painting (with mouse, or positions)
  • Particle propagation (for fire spread effects)
  • Spline particles, with spline editor and play mode manipulation of splines
  • Dynamic spline effects with physics (emulating hair, tentacles etc)
  • Lightning with dynamic targeting
  • Skinned animated / procedural / simple mesh emission
  • Gameobject scattering and emission (all particle effects apply !!!)
  • Projection based emission and surface normal conformation for gameobjects.
  • Terrain conformation for auras and grass/flower fields
  • All particle effects preview directly in editor (including the gameobject modes)
  • Easy to understand and adapt C# based code, source provided
  • 3 mini game demos (Invasion, Phoenix Flight, Dark Forest)

Feature summary (v1.3)
- Gameobject painter, with support for texture based brushes

  • Fully dynamic conformation to surfaces, painted objects may follow the surface as it moves or rotates (or keep the intially painted position)
  • Gameobjects can have wind effects and be colored by brush texture (play mode)
    - Transition manager, a tool to control particle transfer among various emitters
  • Multiple targets support
  • Spline to mesh (or skinned, procedural mesh), spline to spline and mesh to mesh (any type)
  • Coloration modes from skin texture or custom coloring of particles, colors may transfer from skin texture to splines and any other combination
  • Masked emission for skinned, simple and procedural mesh particles, particles may emit from certain body parts to allow better control of particle placement on meshes.
  • Follow surface normals mode allows mesh particles to align to the source mesh surface correctly.
    - Particle music module
  • A new way to manipulate particles through music, that uses all the Particle Dynamic Magic effects for unlimited effects.
  • Control scale, coloration, size, turbulence etc with music
  • Example scene included

Updated feature list for v1.5

New Prefab Manager with over 200 ready to use effects, covering all systems in the pack.

Particle Dynamic Magic v2.0 adding 100+ new effects library to the above, for a total fo 300+ ready to use effects, one of the biggest advanced effects library collection in the industry.


The pack contains a collection of dynamic particle effects and plenty of ready made samples to get everyone started. Global attractors/deflectors can manipulate near particle systems for a complete dynamic particle solution. Easy to setup and optimize, code written in C#. Image based particle emission is also included with complete static and dynamic control of the emission.

The focus is on dynamic magic spells and weapons (shields that repel magic, fire, spells that affect other particles etc), energy and space formations, dynamic nature effects (growing dynamic grass/flower fields) and soon will get an update with spline editor and particle flow, skinned mesh emission and terrain conform of particles, plus a lot of new ready samples to use out of the box.

After v1.2 the pack has also added an Spline, Turbulence, Gameobject emission/scattering modules and new particle emission sources and conformations like skinned/animated/procedural/splines emission, projection, propagation effects for fire like spread of particles, plus many more effects like dynamic lighting and procedural colorizing/reshaping of gameobjects.

I would love to read comments about the pack and suggestions for additions for the next update.

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Effects Showcase

Features (v.1.01):
Global attractors/deflectors
Image based particle emission
Dynamic grass/flower fields
Big collection of ready to use prefabs and showcase scenes

  • magic fire/ice swords
  • magic fire/energy wands
  • magic shields
  • grass/flower fields
  • fire/water effects
    Code in C#



I will reserve this second post for updates and new video posts

Also will register any requests for future reference, please let me know what else you would like to see in the pack and i will try to add it with each new version.

The goal is to create a pack with as many particle effects as possible, so i will be adding new features and scenes frequently

I have finished with the spline editor and spline follow as seen in the letters video and the terrain conform tool in the coming update can give very good flow effects like lava.

Version 1.2 Features

  • Spline Editor
  • Particle spline follow
  • Skinned/animated mesh particle emission
  • Particle flow over terrain

Additional scenes and prefabs

Terrain conform

  • Volcano effect
  • Water effect
  • Magic shield effects
  • Circular targets on ground

Spline follow

  • Letters forming and dripping
  • Wisps flying
  • Lava river
  • River effect

Extra scenes using multiple effects

  • Hero with ice/fire/energy sword and magic auras

Videos for v1.2 (and v 1.01) can be seen in the Youtube channel

Some samples of the upcoming effects:

Skinned Mesh emission

Skinned Mesh emission

Dynamic Letters Driping

Dynamic Letters Slow

Auras and Sword effects

Lava flow

Spline editor and particle follow

WOW ! This looks great…


Particle Dynamic Magic v2.6

  • Fixed an issue with one of the skinned mesh emission scripts, where particles would not appear in build.
  • Added particle flow on spline system
  • Added new demo scenes (Wild Fires, Skinned mesh emission, Particle Flow on Spline and Music particles)
  • Added Beta of new GPU particle system, this is experimental and TBD if kept in its current state and also is in heavy development, so use with care.
  • Added Beta of the new 3D Fluids module
  • Added demo of the v3.0 Beta of the system with the GPU Particles and Fluids
  • Upgraded project to latest Unity 2018.4 LTS version
  • Added skinned mesh emission manipulation using the mouse pointer. e.g. remove feathers from fur at run time
  • Adapted for Unity 2018.3
  • Adapted for Unity 2018.
    Particle Dynamic Magic v2.4.1
  • Removed all Javascript files and Standard Asset naming from folders.
    Particle Dynamic Magic v2.4
  • Addition of new effects (e.g. blobs, multi mesh emission with single particle, fish bending, ropes, energy orb transition events, explosions)
  • Fix of various Unity 5.6+ related issues and warnings.
  • Added C# version of the few helper scripts in PDM
  • Added new demos for PDM (“PDM 2.0 DEMO U56 AMOEBA”, “PDM 2.0 DEMO U56”).
  • Converter all Javascript helper script to C#
    Version 1.01 (initial version)
    Version 1.2

Features added in v1.2:

Global forces, Gravity, Planar Gravity, Swirl and spin effects

Turbulence with dynamic vortex creation (multithreaded)

Spline particles with spline editor and dynamic play mode manipulation

Skinned animated / procedural / simple mesh emission

Projection based emission and surface normal conformation for gameobjects.

Gameobject scattering and emission (all particle effects apply)

Particle painting & propagation (e.g. set on fire effects)

Terrain conformation for auras and grass/flower fields

Dynamic lightning with auto targeting

Editor preview and multiple demos & prefabs for all effects
Minor fixes and enchancements

  • Fixed issue with existing splines case where the detail overide cant be initialized in editor.
  • Fixed frame rate dependency of planar gravity
  • Fixed colored skinned / animated mesh emission issue when “every other vertex” number is below 1.
  • Added animated skinned melt/reform sample (scene 13)
  • Added user friendly messages if colored mesh script is not parented to the mesh emitter object
  • Added “reduce factor” functionality to even step interpolation in spline particles
  • Added option for gameobjects to look at their motion direction.
  • Added sample scene to showcase the new feature (insect swarm) and new prefab
  • Fixed prefabs where the “constructor” mesh was missing (mage and hero prefabs)
    New features and changes summary for v1.3
    NEW - Gameobject painter
  • Paint gameobjects on any collider surface
  • Support for texture based brushes
  • Fully dynamic conformation to surfaces, painted objects may follow the surface as it moves or rotates (or keep the intially painted position)
  • Placement based on surface normals or custom angle
  • Gameobjects can have wind effects and be colored by brush texture (play mode)
    NEW - Particle transition and behavior manager
  • Smoothly move particles between projection, skinned/procedural meshes and splines
  • Multiple targets support
  • Coloration modes from skin texture or custom coloring of particles, colors may transfer from skin texture to splines and any other combination
  • GUI to control the transitions and be used as base for any effect
  • Distance and tag based cut off management for gameobjects, to increase performance
  • Mode to smoothly increase particle size and spread on surfaces.
    NEW - Masked mesh emission
  • For skinned, simple and procedural mesh particles
  • Particles may emit from certain body parts, using a texture mask, to allow better control of particle placement on meshes.
  • Follow surface normals mode allows mesh particles to align to the source mesh surface correctly.
  • Fully optimized to only emit particles from the non-masked areas.
    NEW - Music module
  • A new way to manipulate particles through music, that uses all the Particle Dynamic Magic effects for unlimited effects.
  • Control particle scale, offset, coloration, size, turbulence and more with music
  • Example scene included
    Updates in “particle sheet projection” script
  • Added choice to follow projector position/rotation or the particle system position
  • Mode to follow surfaces normals for mesh particles
  • “Transition” mode added, to get particle count from current particle system count and not from script variable
  • Return speed variable added to gravity mode
    Updates in “Place particle on spline” script
  • Added mode to return back to the spline (gravity mode) and a return speed variable to control it.
  • Added “Extend life” mode with control variables
  • Transition mode added, to emit as many particles as current particle maxcount, in order to inherit from the previous transition state
    Changes for v1.5.
    changes in gameobject projection
  • Added smoother motion in lower speeds
    Changes in Attractor class
  • Added more noise options and a new demo
  • Added an exclude by tag option (when by_tag is no enabled)
  • Added option to apply effects only to specific particles, defined in a list
    Changes in Transitions module
  • Added user_timer option, to individually select the time between each target transition for better scheduling.
  • Added time_to_next list, where the individual times are declared.
  • Added option to switch particle system/type on the fly during transitions
  • Added GUI disable option
  • Fixed moving to max_particle_size if size exeeced (was fixed at 0.2 instead)
    Changes in Masked Emission
  • Added a check if pixels != null, in case the item has no texture.
  • Masked mesh emission now scales properly with object first and then with the offset variable.
  • Added option to give speep per normal
    Changes in PlaceparticleOnSpline
  • Added a if p2==null check in start, so can asssign new particle in Transitions on the fly
    NEW modules for v1.5.
    Fire & Ice:
  • Fire/ice (and anything else) propagation. Fire starters will enflame objects and enflamed objects will spread fire.
    Collision based particle painting for spray effects.
  • Local overrides (fire melts ice, ice makes fire go out, butterflies take to the air, per collision,
    all from a common particle pool). Per proximity override adjustment also available.
  • Gameobject particles, giving the ability to assign control scripts, animation and everything gameobjects
    support per particle, imagination is the limit.
  • Emission and hovering modes, many modes to support free emission from painting positions, take to the air
    with pull back gravity for stabilization, smooth transition back to start position based on attraction parameter,
    local force application control, per collision local change of fly away, growth parameters and more.
  • Melt mode, for ice and go out mode for fire.
  • Particle to Particle collisions, now particles can collide with other particle systems.
  • Mesh emission control, for spreading fire/ice to skinned and procedural meshes and emulating inside out freeze or burn.
  • Burn and freeze target mode, frozen items will turn blue and burned will turn black smoothly, with adjustable conditions.
    Chain lightning:
  • Chain lightning from a single source, with depth of chain parameter and automated targeting.
    Added new Flocking demos, with repel / attract / swarming / circling for real time flock behavior simulation and manipulation.
    Added “DisableAttractorPDM” script, for enabling/disabling the various interaction/manipulation nodes with the mouse.
    Added “CycleGameObject_PDM” and “CycleObjectSize_PDM” script to cycle objects during instantiation in gameobject mode, to give variety to the objects spread on scene.
    Added “MoveItemStraightPDM” scipt to guide missiles to target.
    Added “Ice_Grow_PDM” to allow control of ice growth on Skinned/procedural meshes.
    New in v1.6
  • New Batching system (static and dynamic) for gameobject particles
  • New transition manager options, change particle type and forces per target, use gameobject particles
  • New attractor options, now particle life of affected particles may end instantly, use to blast particles to another particle
  • Fixed scrolling reset in Prefab Manager

New in v1.7

  • New Transition Manager features for total control of every aspect of the transitions.
  • New Multiple targeting system for spells, makes freeze effects possible with control of target’s texture, mesh and animation in addition to the particle controls.
  • Standalone Dynamic batching mode for use in any gameobject pool.
  • New script for automatic addition of instantiated items in dynamic batching pool.
    New decal, particle AI, 2D collision, Masked skinned emission systems, effect libraries and much more added. New systems are summarized in the pack description.
    Particle Dynamic Magic v2.1
  • Fixed feathers shader for Unity v5.3 (now transparency works properly)
  • Fixed the particle material handling in one of the samples (first two pics above, also shows combination of gameobject and Shuriken particles)
  • Addressed new in v5.3 warnings (e.g. emissionRate became emission.maxparticlecount, enableemission became emission.enable) due to the new changes in the particle and particle collisions systems.
  • Fixed spline issue in initilization and added some extra checks for lists counts (in segment detail lists)
  • Added multithreading to spines system for further optimization (in addition to splines update only when shape changes). A sample of the performance gain is shown in the posted pics above.
  • Added persistent rotation definition and handler per node in spline (to use from other scripts, e.g. for mesh generation)
  • Added controllable spline curvature at the spline nodes (two modes, single control or dual control in split mode)
  • Added the ability to erase the dynamic decals (gameobject particle mode) on the fly and the system will handle the erase properly. Now the AI butterfly particles in the demo for example can be destroyed at will.

Thanks a lot, glad you like it

The next update will make it even more impressive, with spline inclusion and terrain conformation for particles, cant wait to put it up :), i am testing it and adding as many samples as i can, i have finished the code for the effects, but i always see some addition that would make it cooler :slight_smile:

Plus there is the spline editor that needs a lot of testing to get right.

The skinned emission is also very cool to have, i tested it on a dragon and is really something as an effect, i will try to post videos soon

BTW, is there an ammount of days that must pass before one can update a pack ? I could have the update ready next week and would like to post it asap

PDM logo exploding, using dynamic image emission (the trails around are from the upcoming 1.2 version)

And a new video, showcasing the effects better

Turbulence and dynamic vortex control and creation

Splines and play mode manipulation

Gameobject Projection and scattering

Gameobject projection, planar gravity pull and fire propagation

Skinned gameobject emission and dynamic

Multi spline emission and physics based motion, Hair and curtain effects

Planar Gravity

Hi everyone

Some updates on the status of the v1.2 of the pack that will add Dynamic splines, Turbulence, Skinned/Procedural emission, particle propagation, Terrain conformation, Projection, Gameobject emission and scattering and many more effects:

All the requirements for submission are finished, and i am ready to submit, now working on the manual

There is one question on skinned emission, i have two scripts doing the same effect, one is faster but cant be prefabed (it can, but the effect wont be enabled if not enabled in the editor first, so could be used for static scene objects). The other can be prefabed and instantiated, but is slower due to controlling the particles via script than Skuriken itself alone.

Is it ok to leave both versions, in case the faster one is needed for scene objects that dont need to be instantiated and need the extra performance for the effect ?

Also should the manual be more visual ? Like a step by step with pics, than just mention the script option use ?

Here is all the updates so far in the Work in Progress page.


The online demos are also ready and will be posted soon

EDIT: Here is a first version of the full demo, i will polish it a bit more for release, but should give an idea of every effect and how it works

Online Webplayer DEMO:

Just remember to grab and play with the manipulation spheres :slight_smile: and toggle the background to better view some of the effects

Clicking on “Settings” will open up various options for some of the effects and various optimization options, like diable of colliders and particles in gameobject mode and more

The dynamic spline performance in the demos looks really good. One suggestion I would make thought is to include sliders to change the scale of the particles moving along the splines and also the number of particles that are being moved down the splines. Am I right in thinking that the performance with the splines is mainly effected by the number of particles not the scale of the particles ? If so a lot of your demos would look more impressive if the particles were set to a size where they covered the entire spline for example have plasma flowing along a spline rather than having it so that the particles just appear as small spheres because their scale is too small to blend the particles together.

The demo of the birds moving along the spline looks nice though.

Could you add a demo where you started with a small spline with particles flowing down it and then had an option to more control nodes to it so that you could extend the spline ? I would like to be able to gauge the performance hit of extending the length of the spline.

Also one other thing is about your fire propagation demo. I’m assuming the reason it contains a tree is so that it can be set on fire but I couldn’t set the tree on fire. All I could set on fire were the balls around the tree.

There are some impressive demos in there. That jellyfish is quite a nice one. Does this asset contain all the source code ? Looking at the changes coming in Unity 5 I would prefer to avoid using plugins that use dll’s rather than source code.

The fire propagation for the tree does need a few tries to catch, probably because of the collider setup, i will check it out

I have added a feature to add points directly in play mode, so i am now adding it to the demo and will post the new one tomorrow, i will post the link here

Normally aside the extra spline points to calculate between the new nodes, you wont see any other performance difference when adding the point, since the spline is already calculated every frame and adding a point is simply adding one element in a list, so that procedure is near free

Posted a sample pic above, when Add_point is checked, will add one point to the spline during play mode, now i will add a GUI to handle it for the demo.

Also you can see the varied particle size, this option was already in, but did not include it in the demo, i will add that too

All the code is open, no DLLs at all in the pack :), also i tried to make it as simple to understand and expand as possible

The GUI for the spline editing is ready, here is some pics showing the manipulation in real time

The “Add point” button will add a spline node and a manipulator script to the node, so it can be moved around

I will post the new demo asap :slight_smile:

thanks for all the suggestions and input

The pack will include the following modules, that may also be available as separate packs (30-40$ range) later. The price will be 55$ (currently 40$) for the first month and will go to 60-70$ later.

TENTACLE: Spline particles and dynamics (Physics based spline effects, play mode manipulation and spline editor)
FIRESTARTER: Particle Propagation System (Particle propagation system and particle painting)
TORNADO: Turbulenece effects (Dynamic turbulence, vortex creation and control and global forces, gravity)
OBJECTIFIER: Gameobject Particle system (Gameobject scatter and emission solution and global forces, gravity)


Hi everyone

I am glad to annouce that i have uploaded the updated Particle Dynamic Magic v1.2 webplayer demo, which inlcudes a fully editable spline in play mode to play with (see pics for the results above)

Also the GUI has been updated and the fire propagation response time has been tweaked for better results.

Feature summary for v1.2

  • Global forces (gravity, repel/attract)
  • Turbulence (multithreaded, dynamic vortex generation and control)
  • Particle coloring
  • Particle painting (with mouse, or positions)
  • Particle propagation (for fire spread effects)
  • Spline particles, with spline editor and play mode manipulation
  • Dynamic spline effects, with physics (emulating hair, tentacles etc)
  • Lightning with dynamic targeting
  • Skinned animated / procedural / simple mesh emission
  • Gameobject scattering (all particle effects apply !!!)
  • Particle projection
  • All particle effects preview directly in editor (including the gameobject modes)
  • Easy to understand C# based code
  • 3 mini game demos (Invasion, Phoenix Flight, Dark Forest)

You can try the new demo here:


The new spline effect has been added near the end of the demo (so use the back button to go direcly to the last two demo parts to get to the spline editor)

Pressing the “add point” button will create a new spline node and add a manipulator so can be moved around immediately to reshape the spline.

The new point is added in distance similar to the distance between the two last points (so the distance must be kept low to avoid going off screen)

Looks like there is hardly any performance impact in adding new points to the spline and extending it which is great, looking forward to it’s release. I’ve purchased the previous version and looking forward to the 1.2 update going live. When are you planning to submit it ?

Thanks for the support :slight_smile:

I have concluded the manual creation, done the prefabs and double checked everything, so i am very close. Just need to check everything one more time and do some clean up in the directories and files and refine the material that will go on the asset store front. I also need to work a bit more on the 3 big demos so they are as perfect as possible, the current demo is only the appetizer for these more artistic showcases.

I plan to submit early next week if all goes well.

I post teaser pics from the Invasion, Dark Forest and Phoenix demos

Some updates

The manual is done and the release is coming next week.

I have posted a new demo for the pack, this is one of the 3 mentioned above.

Alien Invasion Webplayer Link:

The focus is on getting a Blade runner like atmosphere using particles to give the varied and changing feeling in lights.

Use “c” button to lock the camera so it is easier to manipulate the spline nodes. All splines can change shape in game by moving the nodes, the central one can have nodes added with the menu.

Mount camera button will take to the air along the top spline, pressing again will dismount. The airial pathway can also be adjusted by the spherical nodes.

The v1.2 pack update will be submitted to the Unity asset store next week, so it is a good time to grab the pack at the current lower price.


The update to v1.2 is finilized and will be submitted in the coming days, probably tomorrow.

I post pics of some of the finilized effects and demos. Which picture you think would be best for the asset store front ?

I think the third picture is best as it shows off the splines. One other question I have is are there multiple algorithms used for plotting the splines ? I have some instances where I might need the splines to go around 90 degree corners where a linear connection between the points would be better than a smoother algorithm like bezier. Also can particles flow from one spine to another ? For example if I wanted some parts of the spline to have sharp corners and some to be smooth could I for example have the particles flow through a smooth bezier spline into a linear spline for the sharp corners and then from that into a new bezier spline ?

I will probably use the phoenix one indeed :slight_smile:

For now there is no per segment control of the spline detail, so you cant have one segment be linear and another curved. You can create and link a separate spline with “1” in detail, which would create straight lines between the points and use this as connection in corners etc, but the flow will start at each spline start and move towards its end and loop, so you may have to reprogram this to synch the motion.

Of course i can add all that functionality in a next update, that could address some priority requests like this one. It is easy to add anything at this point, the only problem is extensive testing so everything works fine and the GUI that will control the effect.

That is why it took me a while to come to the release, i have to test every prefab and effect many times and in many conditions to make sure everything is working as it should be (and the prefab creation was another reason).

Also i could create a script that you take multiple splines as input and make sure the object (or particle) move alone the splines in order.

I already plan some scripts that will handle splines in numbers, it is the next logical step and is 100% coming in v1.3 for a number of things (like emission from spline body).

I posted a pic for reference, the SPLINE2 is parented to the last point of SPLINE 1 and is using linear segments. That of course is just a work around for now and in the next update i can add an option to handle detail per segment. I can progam on this one a script that will take the splines and synch the motion of the spheres, plus parent the particle to the right sphere.

Also i will evaluate how easy it would be to add the per segment detail for this release, maybe it proves easier than making the above script and setups

EDIT: I got the basic functionality down, so i can have linear (or any detail level) segments :), i will test it and if all goes well i will include it in v1.2


  • Per segment detail for the splines has been added, every segment can have its own quality factor. A quality of one will make the segment a straight line, so now sharp corners in any point of the spline are possible, as in the example picture above.

  • More interpolation options for the particle distribution on the spline have been added

  • Added an option to insert spline points in the middle of any of the spline segments during play mode, in addition to adding end points in play mode.

The pack will be 55$ after submission, so for anyone interested it is a good time to get it before the price increase at the current lower price. Also the 55$ is an introductory price and will further increase later.

Looks great. Being able to control each segment will be very useful.

Indeed, thanks for the suggestions, really helped out a great deal shape the spline part to the best :slight_smile:

Initially i was planning to have this feature in v1.3, but is cool to have it available right away

BTW, what would you like to see for v1.3 ?

I am planning to add:

  • a music module, i think this would be very cool with splines and turbulence combinations, gameobjects could also play a role with procedural coloring etc

  • evaluate how i could offer some DX11 versions of the effects for increased speed
    (already have a working particle system with compute shaders, in its basic form, so i could build from there)

  • Mass spline particle spread, or have one particle system for multiple splines (easy to do, but needs lots of testing)

Also i will try to add any other suggestions and requests that appear here, so please let me know what else is needed :slight_smile:

Hi everyone,

The Particle Dynamic Magic v1.2 pack has been submitted to Unity asset store and pending review.

The features:

  • Global forces, Gravity, Planar Gravity, Swirl and spin effects, Attract and Repel

  • Turbulence with dynamic vortex creation (multithreaded)

  • Spline particles with spline editor and dynamic play mode manipulation of splines

  • Skinned animated / procedural / simple mesh and image based emission.

  • Projection based emission and surface normal conformation for gameobjects.

  • Gameobject scattering and emission (all particle effects apply)

  • Particle painting propagation (e.g. set on fire and catch fire effects)

  • Terrain conformation for auras and grass/flower fields

  • Dynamic lightning with auto targeting

  • Editor preview and multiple demos prefabs for all effects

Webplayer demo for all effects:

Everything is dynamic in the demo, so try to grab the manipulation spheres and move them around, even the spline nodes are movable

Asset store link (current v1.01):

The price will be the current low one for a few more days, so it is a good time to grab the pack before the price increase if interested.