I want to create a script where when a ball hits a wall it will move on the y axis. how would I do that?
Im using C# so I cant do
if (collision.gameObject == wall)
I want to create a script where when a ball hits a wall it will move on the y axis. how would I do that?
Im using C# so I cant do
if (collision.gameObject == wall)
You should post the code! Anyway, supposing collision is a Collision generated on the OnCollisionEnter event, you could compare the collided object’s name or tag:
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision){
if (collision.gameObject.name == "wall"){
// do whatever you want
You must of course rename the object to “wall”. You can also use gameObject.tag instead of gameObject.name - you must set the object tag to “wall” at the Inspector, in this case.
What is the error. Also could you post entire script?