on mouseclick if raycast hit with same tag drawline.

i already have a working code for raycast hit. what i want is to draw a line where the raycast hit.

![alt text][1]

upon mouseclick on intersection of any matching gameobjects. there should be a drawline.

can somebody help me with this ?

You mean this? Unity Debug class provided an API call Debug.DrawRay. You can use this to draw ray cast.

If this is what you want, I advise you should google before asking here, it’s will be faster and you can learn more than just ask. If not, please explain more what you want, I imagining that you want to use the cast to debug.


here is my script. on every condition on raycasting. if condition is true then draw a line accoring to how the raycast hit the object.

if (Input.GetButtonDown (“Fire1”)) {
ray = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint (Input.mousePosition);
hit = Physics2D.Raycast (ray , Vector2.zero);

        clickRight = Physics2D.Raycast (ray , Vector2.right);
		clickTop = Physics2D.Raycast (ray , Vector2.up);
		clickBottom = Physics2D.Raycast (ray , Vector2.down);
		clickLeft = Physics2D.Raycast (ray , Vector2.left);

        pos = Water.transform.position;
        Raycasting ();


void Raycasting(){



	if (hit.collider == null) {

		//first tile tag
		if (clickTop.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1 && clickBottom.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1 && clickRight.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1 && clickLeft.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1) {

			gameManager.blockCounter (4 );
			Destroy (clickTop.collider.gameObject);

			Destroy (clickBottom.collider.gameObject);
			Destroy (clickRight.collider.gameObject);

			Destroy (clickLeft.collider.gameObject);

			Debug.Log ("up down left right");

        } else if (clickRight.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1 && clickBottom.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1 && clickLeft.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1) {
			Debug.Log ("left right bottom");

			gameManager.blockCounter (3 );
			Destroy (clickRight.collider.gameObject);

			Destroy (clickLeft.collider.gameObject);
			Destroy (clickBottom.collider.gameObject);

        } else if (clickRight.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1 && clickTop.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1 && clickLeft.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1) {
			Debug.Log ("left right top");

			gameManager.blockCounter (3);
			Destroy (clickTop.collider.gameObject);
			Destroy (clickRight.collider.gameObject);

			Destroy (clickLeft.collider.gameObject);

        } else if (clickTop.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1 && clickBottom.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1 && clickLeft.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1) {
			Debug.Log ("left top bottom");

			gameManager.blockCounter (3);
			Destroy (clickTop.collider.gameObject);

			Destroy (clickLeft.collider.gameObject);
			Destroy (clickBottom.collider.gameObject);

        } else if (clickRight.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1 && clickTop.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1 && clickBottom.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1) {
			Debug.Log ("right top bottom");

			gameManager.blockCounter (3);

			Destroy (clickTop.collider.gameObject);
			Destroy (clickRight.collider.gameObject);

			Destroy (clickBottom.collider.gameObject);

        } else if (clickTop.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1 && clickBottom.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1) {
			gameManager.blockCounter (3);

			Destroy (clickTop.collider.gameObject);
			Destroy (clickBottom.collider.gameObject);

			Debug.Log ("top bottom");

        } else if (clickLeft.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1 && clickRight.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1) {
			gameManager.blockCounter (2);

			Destroy (clickRight.collider.gameObject);

			Destroy (clickLeft.collider.gameObject);
			Debug.Log ("left right");

        } else if (clickRight.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1 && clickTop.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1) {
			Debug.Log ("top right");

			gameManager.blockCounter (2);
			Destroy (clickTop.collider.gameObject);
			Destroy (clickRight.collider.gameObject);

        } else if (clickTop.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1 && clickLeft.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1) {
			Debug.Log ("top left");

			gameManager.blockCounter (2);
			Destroy (clickTop.collider.gameObject);
			Destroy (clickLeft.collider.gameObject);

        } else if (clickLeft.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1 && clickBottom.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1) {
			Debug.Log ("bottom left");

			gameManager.blockCounter (2);
			Destroy (clickBottom.collider.gameObject);
			Destroy (clickLeft.collider.gameObject);

        } else if (clickRight.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1 && clickBottom.collider.gameObject.tag == tiletag1) {
			Debug.Log ("bottom right");

			gameManager.blockCounter (2);
			Destroy (clickBottom.collider.gameObject);
			Destroy (clickRight.collider.gameObject);
