on race car game ERROR on ramp

Hello, I just wanted to ask if anyone has any comments, to which I will be very grateful.
and it is that I have a ramp, in a game that I am making, and when I go at full speed the car stops suddenly.
but when I go slowly the car jumps perfectly.

I leave a photo of the colliders that the PREFAB car contains
and I leave a video where the car runs twice, one gets stuck, and the second time going slowly it jumps perfectly

I appreciate any comment.
here picture click to enlarge

here 20 seconds video :

Perhaps you are mis-using physics? Or you have some other collider glitch.

With Physics (or Physics2D), never manipulate the Transform directly. If you manipulate the Transform directly, you are bypassing the physics system and you can reasonably expect glitching and missed collisions and other physics mayhem.

This means you may not change transform.position, transform.rotation, you may not call transform.Translate(), transform.Rotate() or other such methods, and also transform.localScale is off limits. You also cannot set rigidbody.position or rigidbody.rotation directly. These ALL bypass physics.

Always use the .MovePosition() and .MoveRotation() methods on the Rigidbody (or Rigidbody2D) instance in order to move or rotate things. Doing this keeps the physics system informed about what is going on.

With a wheel collider, use the motor or brake torque to effect motion.

If you want to try something other than the wheel colliders, here’s an approach I used that worked pretty neat: