(On Sale) Mesh Splitter - Amend sub meshes and materials for existing models easily

Hi everyone, just wanted to introduce a new asset hitting the store soon, Mesh Splitter

This great new asset lets you amend existing meshes, you can select triangles and assign them to new sub meshes or mark them to share materials as existing sub meshes. The best way to describe things is via a video, so we have created one for you:


  • Works with skinned and standard meshes
  • Creates copy meshes so your original meshes are left intact (great for customising different instances)
  • Extremely easy to use
  • Editor-only tool, no scripts will be attached to your game objects
  • No shaders; copy meshes are edited directly
  • Works with any standard material (not just colours), including PBR materials

We welcome your feedback and will keep you posted on the submission progress :slight_smile:


Mesh Splitter has been submitted for review! If you would like to know any more info, please feel free to reply to this thread :slight_smile:

Very interesting and looks pretty simple to use.
What is your starting price point?
Does this increase draw calls on the mesh/skinned mesh?

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I like it!! Simple and useful. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your interest :slight_smile:

The draw call count would increase by one per material, if you have a mesh and mark several areas using a NEW sub mesh, this creates a new material so an extra draw call. If you mark several areas and mark to use an existing material then this is not a new draw call. Hope this explains ok?

The starting price will be around $20, but not set in stone as yet.

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So I had a query about wether any material can be used or just coloured materials. Just to confirm, any material can be used including PBR materials :slight_smile:

Submission was 4 days ago so shouldn’t be long now. In the mean time please feel free to ask any questions!

Great news everybody, Mesh Splitter has been accepted and is now available in the store!

If you have any suggestions for additional features please feel free to share!

Hey everyone, would appreciate some feedback on this asset as I am unsure why it is not getting much attention, is it missing features or priced too high?

I plan to pick it up at some point, but I’m not at the point where I need it yet, and I’m also thinking of ways I need to modify my pipeline to incorporate it into my workflow.
I think it’s a tool that is pretty straight forward so people might end up purchasing it when they need it - like I will.


  • How can this benefit me as an artist leaning developer who generates his own art content?
  • What is a customary asset pipeline using this tool, from art package, with animated assets, to in-game asset?
  • What art pipeline change would you suggest to improve the process using this tool?
  • How can this be beneficial to others who are less art oriented - programmer types - who may use stock or asset store assets?

Answering these questions might help prospective customers moving forward with a purchase. :wink:

Hi @theANMATOR2b thank you for your feedback, much appreciated :slight_smile:

As an artist, I imagine you would assign materials to models within Maya (an example modelling package just for explanation), rather than using Mesh Splitter. Speed wise this is similar between Mesh Splitter and Maya - select faces and either create a new material or assign a new material. I imagine this tool to be more useful to developers than to artists, as typically developers don’t have access to Maya to alter materials on 3rd party assets.

One pipeline I expect this to be useful to an artist however is when an artist is doing paid work for Unity developers who are unsure on what materials they will be using in-game. Taking the request to model doors and windows for example, the requesting programmer may be more interested in getting a bunch of sizes of models without specifying the materials needed. The artist I’m sure would model the faces to be ready to add textures but would not necessarily know which faces need which material assigning. This could be left for the developer to choose within Unity itself.

Mesh Splitter also allows you to take a single model and customise it within Unity, so you can add variations and end up with several versions of the same asset with differing materials.

Hopefully this answers your queries, in short this asset is aimed more to people without access to Maya etc. but can be useful for last-minute changes within Unity.

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I’ve introduced a price drop for a while :slight_smile:

The price drop will be on for a while longer so grab a bargain now!