On Trigger Delete Object

function OnTriggerEnter (other : Collider) {

Hi I Wrote This Script To Delete A Ghost When I Look Through A Door. To Look Through The Door I Had To Enter A Trigger Zone But It Doesn’t Delete My Ghost.
Help Would Be Appreciated

I would guess you have forgotten to have a look at the documentation.

var ghost :GameObject;  // Declare a variable of type game object
function Start(){
  ghost = GameObject.Find("Ghost"); // get a reference to the ghost object and assign it to the ghost variable.
//Now using ghost onthis script is using the original ghost object.

function OnTriggerEnter (other : Collider) {   
  //Check who collides using the other variable which is a reference to the object colliding (confusing I know...)
  if(other.gameObject.tag == "Player")
  // Destroy the ghost object, trying to access the ghost will result in a null reference, it is gone.