On trigger , sound play

I Made a cube underwater as triger… then I wrote this script :

using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour {

MotionBlur MB;
void Start () 
	MB = (MotionBlur) gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<MotionBlur>();

void OnTriggerEnter()
	MB.enabled = true;

void OnTriggerExit ()
	MB.enabled = false;


so when I go under water (trigger cube) motion blur will enabled… but I also wanted to Play a sound when I get to that triger… like under water effect… I know I should use play.sound , but how can I direct it to my specific sound?

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Test : MonoBehaviour {

	AudioClip MyClip;
	void Start () {
	void Update () {
	void OnTriggerEnter(Collider info)
		if(info.gameObject.tag == "Tag Name of our object")
	void OnTriggerExit(Collider info)
		if(info.gameObject.tag == "Tag Name of our object")

First of all, you must add an audio source to your cube-collider object.

Secondly, I'd rather suggest you create a simple script called "SoundEffect" that you attach to the water (pay attention to the capital letters when defining variables and class names. with this single instruction inside

var audioClip : AudioClip;

Then you go and drop the "splash.wav" file you've chosen for the audio splash effect into the inspector.

In your code, OnTriggerEnter MUST be redeclared with the collider info like crazyknight suggests, and then you simply add there

var soundeffect: SoundEffect = info.GetComponent(SoundEffect); //SoundEffect is the name of the class you created and that you attached to the water
audio.clip = soundeffect.audioClip;

Assigning the "SoundEffect" component to other objects will let you play audio when the cube-collider object interacts with them, too.