OnBecameVisible does not work

I am trying to optimize CPU usage for the game so I stop rendering when the object is out and render it again when it come back to screen. But the second part I can’t get it to work. The Cat disappeared but never appeared again even I could see it in the Hierachy in editor.

The code is followed:

using UnityEngine;

public class CatUpdater : MonoBehaviour {
	private CatController catController;
	void Start () {
		catController = transform.parent.GetComponent<CatController>();  
	void UpdateTargetPosition()

	void GrantCatTheSweetReleaseOfDeath()
		Destroy( transform.parent.gameObject );

	void OnBecameInvisible() 
		renderer.enabled = false;

	void OnBecameVisible()
		if (!renderer.enabled)
			Debug.Log("Cat is visible " +gameObject.name);
			renderer.enabled = true;


VERY IMPORTANT → If your Scene is visible while you’re running your game, if the object / sprite is visible in your Scene window, the OnBecameVisible() will get called even if it is not visible in Game window.

Playing with the function around, I finally understood a bit more. OnBecameVisible only determine if the game object is visible ONCE. Which mean it only run the first time any camera see the object; the next time any camera sees game object, nothing will happen. So I have to repeat the function consistently to make it work in runtime.