Hello! i’m new to the club. I have less than 3 hours with unity and is because once i installed and started to run the program the fan from my laptop started to run like crazy reaching temperatures of 75 and 78 degrees. Is this normal? can I continue working like this? if the answer is yes how much time can i work without burn my desk?
I have worked before with daz3d and blender and this never happwn before. From time to time and during a render the fan works at this temperature but the rest of the time reach a max of 65°
Yes. Unity is a demanding application. Both on the CPU and the GPU.
Intel’s CPUs can safely run in the 90s. You only need to start worrying if it’s hitting 100 C regularly.
Because while both of those applications can be demanding they’re only truly demanding on the CPU or the GPU and not both of them at the same time. A render, for example, is either very CPU heavy or GPU heavy. Game development is heavy on both CPU and GPU at the same time due to the nature of a game engine.
78C is not really hot. There shouldn’t be any safety issues here. The temperatures you hit depend heavily on the load, the hardware design (both the CPU/GPU themselves and the thermal solution), and the programmed fan curves. Modern CPU/GPU designs automatically thermal throttle, meaning they down clock when reaching high temperatures to avoid damage, but 78C shouldn’t be anywhere close to that occurring. That hurts performance, but shouldn’t cause any actual problems with the hardware. You usually don’t see that occur until hitting the 90-100C range, depending on the specific CPU/GPU design.
When the fans kick up just really depends on if the manufacturer of your laptop wanted to favor annoying you sooner with fan noise to favor better performance, or favor keeping you from being annoyed by noise at the expense of performance.
There may also be a toggle available with your laptop, like between Silent/Performance/Turbo usually like FN key plus whatever key has a little fan icon or other performance-type icon. It might also be found in settings somewhere… silent mode drawback is that something might take 1 minute vs. only 30 seconds in performance mode. The drawback of a performance mode is a hyperactive cooling system, which means more noise from any fans.