I can’t find how to detect clicks on a button from code, like mouse down, mouse up after mouse down?
I can’t find how to detect clicks on a button from code, like mouse down, mouse up after mouse down?
Don’t use Button, use EventTrigger instead.
This seems counter-intuitive as the first time i hear about it. Is there any example?
Like this?
void Start()
Button b = gameObject.GetComponent<Button>();
b.onClick.AddListener(delegate() { StartGame("Level1"); });
public void StartGame(string level)
Not working here =(
public void SetupButton () {
var button = transform.GetComponent<Button>();
button.onClick.AddListener(delegate () { this.ButtonClicked(); });
public void ButtonClicked () {
_buildStructureGUI.SelectedPool = _structurePool;
Do you need to set it up from code? e.g. Do you have procedurally generated buttons?
Setting it up in the Editor is much easier (and the ‘expected’ use).
Its procedurally =/
Have you tried referring directly to the function as a delegate, as opposed to creating an in-line delegate that calls the function?
(I haven’t, but I feel like this should work)
public void SetupButton () {
var button = transform.GetComponent<Button>();
public void ButtonClicked () {
_buildStructureGUI.SelectedPool = _structurePool;
I’m not sure how one would add parameters to this. I would’ve expected that AddListener would have a second parameter that could become the callback’s parameter (equivalent to that third ‘box’ in the Inspector).
I’ve tried too, but without success … I have the impression that it is necessary to mark the delegate as persistence … But I do not know how …
Same thing, still trying to figure out how to have the handler function receive the actual button, or anything else as a parameter.
I think it can be done using the new UnityAction, but I can’t manage to get it right.
You just need to remove the parentheses from where you are setting delegate…
This is working fine for me…
public void setupBtn()
string param = "bar";
btn.GetComponent<Button>().onClick.AddListener(delegate { btnClicked(param); });
public void btnClicked(string param)
Debug.Log("foo " + param);
Outputs “foo bar”, as one would expect.
Thank you ldb: it works.
For curiosity, in the Editor Inspector, the OnClick listener of the button does not appear. Is it normal?
I noticed the same problem. Listener does not appear, but it works. Looks like the list isn’t being refreshed. I reported this as a bug.
thanks Amaranth
That reminds me! Found an easier way to do what we all seem to be trying to do. It turns out that Unity 4.6 has a built-in feature for this. This is how I used it:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
public class MyEventListener : MonoBehaviour, IPointerClickHandler
private float clickTime; // time of last click
private int clickCount=0; // current click count
public bool onClick = true; // is click allowed on button?
public bool onDoubleClick = false; // is double-click allowed on button?
public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData data)
// get interval between this click and the previous one (check for double click)
float interval = data.clickTime - clickTime;
// if this is double click, change click count
if (interval < 0.5 && interval > 0 && clickCount != 2)
clickCount = 2;
clickCount = 1;
// reset click time
clickTime = data.clickTime;
// single click
if (onClick && clickCount == 1)
// enter code here
// double click
if (onDoubleClick && clickCount == 2)
// enter code here
(updated with small changes)
@AntFitch Will this script work for Touch Input. if not what changes i should make ?
The script should work with touch.
But how the click is associated with touch ? im bit confused here . well atleast i should try it out first hehe
A ‘click’ is a higher level concept. It’s when you down and up on the same alement. So a ‘click’ for a touch is when you put your finger down and up on the same element.
Thanks for the awesome code amaranth! I know it’s a year later and big changes have come about, but in Unity 5.1 I got the following error. My hack(see attached script) was to hit the button and have it play an Animator trigger animation. Scripting is not my forte as you can tell. I have an ‘Idle’ animation that is transitioned to a ‘Throw’ animation. The ‘Throw’ animation has a trigger parameter. Every time the button is hit, the 3D player throws a ball. It would be a milestone to get this part working. Thanks in anticipation
2257720–150934–MyEventListener.cs (996 Bytes)