I have been trying to get OnCollisionEnter2D and other things like it to work for a while now and I have no idea what’s going on. I looked at a class I have for Unity and I’m doing the same thing it is telling you to do in the class and I have looked at forum posts and nothing works. Here is my code:
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collider2D coll)
if (coll.gameObject.tag == "Hazard")
Debug.Log("Collided with the spikes.");
Please tell me if there’s anything wrong with that. By the way “Is kinematic” is off on my Rigidbody2D GameObject and my spikes are not triggers. I am learning Unity as I go so some help would be appreciated.
I forgot to add the error I get for the code. When I play the game I got the error:
Script error: OnCollisionEnter2D
This message parameter has to be of type: