OnCollisionEnter2D is not working

Hi everyone!
I have some problem with my objects interactive.
I had one sprite. Then i made a copy of this sprite. In result 1st sprite has to catches up a 2nd, but when they meet each other nothing happens.
I attach to 2nd sprite this code
#pragma strict

function OnCollisionEnter2D(info: Collision2D) 
	Debug.Log ("Hello2");
	if (info.gameObject.name == "player")
		Debug.Log ("Hello");

But i have nothing in my Console output :frowning: So I need yours help.
I attached a screenshots where you can see my settings to these sprites. Thanks a lot. Have a nice day.

1 Screen: inspector of “player”
2 Screen: left: my hierarchy, right: inspector of separate parts of my player.

function OnCollisionEnter(info: Collision)
Debug.Log (“Hello2”);
if (info.gameObject.name == “player”)
Debug.Log (“Hello”);

attach this script to your second sprite and when it collide to your player game object it wiill give you output as a debug.log in console window player must have box collider