OncollisionEnter2D not working but OnTriggerEnter2D works fine

I am newbie in Unity & here I am trying to fire OncollisionEnter2D

I have Is Kinematic turned Off, for the object & its calling beeCollision.js script

If i play in Unity-editor, i can see- its colliding & forcing the Collided-object to rotate /move. So its definitely colliding, but somehow the OncollisionEnter2D is not getting called.

However, if I put Is Trigger on, the OnTriggerEnter2D works just fine.

Here is the beeCollision.js script-

function OncollisionEnter2D (other: Collision2D) {
	Debug.Log("collided 1");

function OnTriggerEnter2D(other : Collider2D) {
	// Works well, if Is Trigger is turned on
	Debug.Log("collided 2");

& here are 2 screenshots of Unity editor-

  1. Settings for the Player:

enter image description here

  1. Settings for the Obstacles prefabs:

enter image description here

It should be

function OnCollisionEnter2D

My mistake.