onControllerColliderHit reaction

Ok I am having a serious problem having a GUI window displayed if my object hits another object .
the object to be hit is shown here as scienceblock
if science block is hit then i want a GUI window displayed .
i have tried adding the function but it just wont work

This is the code

private var scblock=  false;

function OnControllerColliderHit (hit: ControllerColliderHit)

if (hit.gameObject.tag == "scienceblock")
    scblock= true;


function LateUpdate ()
     if (scblock)
  // i want a GUI window displayed if the panel is hit  
        panel = false ;

I think your boolean scblock works almost as you wish it to. Just disable it when it stops touching the desired objects (don’t forget to ignore the ground).

But you’re not displaying the window ever, or else it is elsewhere in your code. If that’s the issue, I suggest you check out the GUI.Window doc.