OnDrop not working

I am working on a project but for whatever reason the IDropHandler isn’t working. this is the script:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;

public class Dropplace : MonoBehaviour, IDropHandler{
public void OnDrop(PointerEventData eventData) {
if (eventData.pointerEnter != null) {
eventData.pointerEnter.GetComponent().anchoredPosition = GetComponent().anchoredPosition;

I was trying to make a drag and drop system but it doesn’t work (that in the method isn’t even called). I have a canvasgroup and 2D boxcollider on both the item that can be dragged and the drop place. tha canvasgroup doesn’t block raycasts if the abjoct is being dragged. I am completely stuck. Any help would be usefull!