One of my scripts has no check-box next to it in Inspector

I have created an empty gameobject and dragged four scripts onto it to control various things. One of them has no check-box next to it in the inspector and one of the others isn't being instantiated properly, meaning I'm getting an error:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

I am referencing them like this:

public class DataLayer : MonoBehaviour {
private Configs configOb;
private PageLoader pl;

void Start() 
	configOb = (Configs)gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(Configs));
	//configOb = new Configs();
	//pl = new PageLoader();
	pl = (PageLoader)gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(PageLoader));

public ArrayList getTopApps() {
		ArrayList titleArray = new ArrayList();
		string fetchUrl = configOb.getRoot()+"TopTen.php";

When I test this code it fails at the bottom line because the configOb is null.

Your MonoBehaviour won't have a checkbox next to it in the inspector if it doesn't have any of the per-frame methods, like Update, FixedUpdate, OnGUI, etc.

I can't tell you why your configOb variable isn't being set properly. It may be due to something outside of the script you posted.

Is getTopApps() called by another script's Start() method? If so, it may be running before DataLayer.Start() is.

The convention I usually follow to avoid this is to put all reference assignment (GetComponent, Find, etc) in Awake, while startup functionality that relies on such references always goes in Start.