In terms of memory, I am just wondering what anybody, may think of this scenario.
What is more memory?
A sprite atlas which contains the player, gun, and bullet or a sprite sheet which contains a player and gun, and a separate material for jus the bullet. I ask, since I have a pool of bullets, would using a smaller texture, material, for the bullet, not using the large atlas, consign the player and fun, am I saving memory?
If you’re purely using the same graphics in both solutions, then you’d think the amount of memory should be the same, provided you have no wasted space/gaps … but beyond that there is some overhead from having more than one texture/material. … storage of the material information, state information, etc.
So one material would probably be better.
You understand what I mean right?
If you add a draw call, then you have made the situation worse. So probably one sprite sheet with one material will be the fastest solution.