One-shot particle causes error

When I create a new gameobject Other > Particle system and tick the “one shot” mode, it starts causing error.

Here’s a screen recording about this issue:

Any idea what’s causing this? And what the error is about?

would file a bugreport, since I’ve seen similar errors in other posts and in my own bug report , too.


Oh it’s from there that error comes, always wonder what was causing it.

It isn’t really “one shot” either, it keeps doing the one shot over and over and over again (infinitely).

isn’t there an auto-destruct check box so it gets destroyed after it’s done it’s ‘one shot’?


The particle emitter is supposed to be destroyed after it’s one shot? Dunno, I see no difference in having the auto-destruct selector selected or not, still continues to do the one shot perpetually.

It works for me in Unity iPhone Basic, One shot + autodestruct kills the particle emitter after playing once… not tried Unity 2.6

It’s worth pointing out here that the one shot feature and the autodestruct only apply to the game at runtime. A one shot generator will repeat every few seconds in the editor to enable you to keep seeing the effect without switching the one shot flag on and off each time. Similarly, an object that had the autodestruct working in the editor would need to be recreated each time the effect had finished. These things should work at runtime, unless you are finding otherwise.

Thanks andeeee fot the explanation,
are there any other words for the error message in the console ?


“the one shot feature and the autodestruct only apply to the game at runtime”

Makes sense, thanks, hadn’t checked that.