One text box after another

This seems like a silly question to ask as it’s most likely really simple to do.

Basically I’m wanting to have multiple text boxes come up, one after the other like as if someone is talking to you with the ability for when the user presses a button, it will skip to the next text box.
I’ve already done all the coding for the test boxes and I’m able to input text and even have it type one letter at a time but I just can’t seem to think of a way to get it so one text box comes after another like a discussion. Without of course adding tons of booleans to check if the character has already said something.

I was wondering if someone has an idea on how I can this?

Use a Queue: MSDN

You dequeue each dialog box one at a time.

The queue is initialized using a list of dialog boxes that you populate in the inspector. Before dequeueing a textbox you disable the previous one.


You could try something like this:

private TextBox activeBox = null;
public TextBox[] allTextBoxes;
private int index = 0;

void OnPlayerPressesButton() {
	activeBox = allTextBoxes [index];

The Array allTextBoxes contains allTextBoxes you want to show.
By calling OnPlayerPressesButton() you can cycle through the TextBoxes and set the activeTextBox witch would be displayed on screen.