OnGUI()+Button Vs GuiTexture.HitTest for zoomOut button

Hi chaps,

I’ve got two solution approaches and would like to hear which is best.

The work to do is a zoom button for a touch input android device. When button is pressed, the game camera will pull back/zoom out allowing the player to see a bit more of the scenery.

Approach 1: Add a GUItexture gameObject with a script attached.

Approach 2: A scrip attached to an empty gameObject with OnGUI() function and a GUIStyle.

The code for both approaches is:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

// On the making!
public class ZoomButton : MonoBehaviour {

	private float screenWidth;
	private float screenHeight;
	private float unitW, unitH;
	private Rect pixelInsetRect;
	void Start () {
		// Size related.
		screenWidth = Screen.width;
		screenHeight = Screen.height;
		unitW = screenWidth/20;
		unitH = screenHeight/20;

		pixelInsetRect = new Rect((this.guiTexture.pixelInset.x) * unitW, (this.guiTexture.pixelInset.y) * unitH,
			2.5f*unitW, 2.5f*unitW);
		this.guiTexture.pixelInset = pixelInsetRect;		
	// 1st aproach:
	private int countedTouches;
	void Update (){
		countedTouches = Input.touchCount;
		for (int i = 0; i < countedTouches; i++) {
			Touch touch = Input.GetTouch(i);
			if (this.guiTexture.HitTest( touch.position )) {
				Debug.Log("Do the zoom out! - 1st aproach");

	// 2nd aproach
	public GUIStyle zoomButtonStyle;
	void OnGUI() {
		if (GUI.Button(new Rect(16*unitW, 16*unitH, 3*unitW, 2*unitH), "", zoomButtonStyle)){
			Debug.Log("Do the zoom out! - 2nd aproach");

What would be more effective and require less effort to the hardware?
Thanks for your any comments.

Here is a link about OnGUI vs GUIx.

Little Angel suggests GUITexture and GUIText would be faster and his reasoning behind it. Another added benefit to using GUITextures and Text is you can render them in a separate camera. Allowing you to draw 3d objects on top of your GUI. OnGUI will always draw on top of everything, regardless. Hope this helps.