Hi fellow Uniters, anyone have any idea why I keep getting an “Array is out of index” errors on the following line:
GUI.DrawTexture(playerHealthRect, lifeBarTexture*, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, true, 0.0f);*
I got this code from another post. Thanks for the help. The complete code is below:
// LifeBar.cs - script to handle player and enemy lifebar
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class LifeBar : MonoBehaviour
public Texture2D lifeBarTexture;*
public int playerHealth = 10;*
public int playerHealthTextureSize = 30;*
void OnGUI ()*
Rect playerHealthRect = new Rect(10, 5, playerHealthTextureSize, playerHealthTextureSize);*
for (int i = 0; i < playerHealth; i++)*
_ GUI.DrawTexture(playerHealthRect, lifeBarTexture*, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, true, 0.0f);_
_ playerHealthRect.x += playerHealthTextureSize + 10;_
_ }_
_ }*_
* void OnCollisionEnter (Collision collision)*
* {*
* if (collision.collider.tag == “enemy”)*
* {*
* if (playerHealth -1 >= 0)*
* lifeBarTexture[playerHealth -1] = null;*
* playerHealth–;*
* }*
* }*