OnGUI to 4.6 UI conversion?

I have a script for building placement in a RTS game and was wondering how I could convert it’s current OnGUI function to the new UI system.

it’s current code is

public GameObject[] buildings;
private BuildingPlacement buildingPlacement;

void Start()
	buildingPlacement = GetComponent<BuildingPlacement>();

void OnGUI()
	for(int i = 0; i < buildings.Length; i++)
		if(GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 20, Screen.height / 15 + Screen.height / 12 * i, 100, 30), buildings*.name))*
  •   {*

_ buildingPlacement.SetItem(buildings*);_

(new) UI and (old) GUI are fundamentally different - there’s no batch conversion method you can apply between them. I suggest you follow the UI tutorials instead: Unity Connect

Actually after fiddling with it and modifying it,yes, yes I can. Just call the method from OnPointerDown. Good thing you helped me out a lot!