Online gaming questions

Hi, i have some questions from online thinks. Hope unity community could help me.

If i have the game build, how could i upload it to the web and how can i admin what happens on it.

Is it possible to send messages to users?

How could i program the game to awars first users to complete the game? So more people could play but just fist ones go to hall of fame?

  1. You get an online space and then upload it through FTP. if you do a webbuild, don’t forget that the client will NOT run on the web but on the users machine locally.

  2. TPC / UDP usage of the .NET Sockets, yes or between users through the various networking possibilities

  3. Simple highscore list type of thing through the WWW related classes and writting a corresponding PHP / something similar backend

Thanks for the answers. Really usfeul and fast :).