I sometimes have internet issues and Unity Hub won’t launch projects if I am disconnected. I understand license verification is crucial but I am on the free version. Is it essential to verify that every time? Maybe once a day or when trying to build. That would be really helpful to remove some annoyances for people in similar situations.
Note: I am neither knowledgeable about what things unity checks nor how these licenses work properly. This is just my uneducated feedback after a pretty bad new ISP experience.
I would like the opposite, a prompt to ask me the serial because I work with different projects and each one requires different serial numbers, Or at least that Unity Hub shows me what serial I have because now it only shows me the activation and expiration dates, and that is not helpful to identify what serial is active.
The first will have something like a checkbox “Override Serial on Launch” to launch the prompt, the second would store only the first character of each segment like A*****-B*****-C****-D**** so is more easy to know what serial is the one active on Unity Hub.