Only 1 TextMeshProUGUI being affected by coroutine

Hi, I have a prefab m_wordContainer which is empty other than having a TextMeshProUGUI as a child (I did this so that I could position this container freely not being bugged by an animation played by the TMPUGUI object). At the start of the program I start a coroutine (SpawnWordPopups) which splits the words in a sentence, making a copy of m_wordContainer and assigning that word to the text property of its TMPUGUI, spawning such m_wordContainer in a random location within the screen, and then starting a coroutine (FadeText) that fades in the text of every TMPUGUI.
The problem is that only one of the TMPUGUI has its text faded, even though the FadeText coroutine is called seemingly correctly.
All words are shown as expected, only thing missing is the fading effect on all but the first word that fades.
If I called FadeText like this: if (i > 0) { yield return FadeText(true, tmpText, 2); } then only the second word will be faded.

    [SerializeField] private GameObject m_wordContainer;

    void Start()
        yield return StartCoroutine(SpawnWordPopups("test foo bar"));

private IEnumerator SpawnWordPopups(string l_line)
        string[] words = l_line.Split(' ');
        List<Vector3> wordPositions = new List<Vector3>();
        for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; ++i)
            Vector3 spawnLocation = new Vector3(Random.Range(m_wordScreenDistanceOffset, Screen.width - m_wordScreenDistanceOffset), Random.Range(m_wordScreenDistanceOffset, Screen.height - m_wordScreenDistanceOffset), 0);
            if (IsWordOverlapping(wordPositions, spawnLocation))
            GameObject wordContainer = Instantiate(m_wordContainer, transform.parent);
            wordContainer.transform.position = spawnLocation;
            TextMeshProUGUI tmpText = wordContainer.GetComponentInChildren<TextMeshProUGUI>();
            tmpText.text = words[i];

            yield return FadeText(true, tmpText, 2);

    private IEnumerator FadeText(bool l_fadeIn, TextMeshProUGUI l_textBox, float l_time)
        float time = Time.time;
        float until = Time.time + l_time;
        int alphaFrom = l_fadeIn ? 0 : 1;
        int alphaGoal = l_fadeIn ? 1 : 0;
        Color textColor = l_textBox.color;
        textColor.a = l_fadeIn ? 0 : 1;
        l_textBox.color = textColor;

        while (time < until)
            textColor = l_textBox.color;
            textColor.a = Mathf.Lerp(alphaFrom, alphaGoal, Time.time / l_time);
            l_textBox.color = textColor;
            time += Time.deltaTime;
            yield return null;
        textColor.a = l_fadeIn ? 1 : 0;
        l_textBox.color = textColor;

Could anyone shed some light into this issue I’m having? Why are not all the words being faded?

The issue was the equation in the Lerp line: should be (time - Time.time) / l_time; otherwise the value was getting cramped to 1.

Glad you resolved your issue :slight_smile: