Only half of a prefab is spawning?

So I have created a spawner to spawn an enemy in my game. The enemy is a prefab consisting of two 3d triangles, with one the child object of the other. This code for spawning works fine for prefabs that only consist of one part, but when it tries to spawn this other enemy, only half of it (the child object) is spawned. Here is the spawner code:
Any Ideas?

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class MonsterSpawner2 : MonoBehaviour {

public float delta = 1.5f;
public float speed = 2.0f;
private Vector3 startPos;
public Transform spawnpoint;
public GameObject redshell;

public int EnemySpeed = 7;
public int enemiesleft = 10;

public bool useInvoke;
public bool running;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
    if (useInvoke)
        InvokeRepeating("redspawn", 0, 3);

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {

    if (enemiesleft < 1)

IEnumerator spawnred()
    running = true;

    while (running)
        if (PlayerController.stomata > 1699)
        enemiesleft = enemiesleft - 1;

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0f + (Random.Range(1.5f, 3f)));

        yield return null;



void spawnredshell()
    var shellspawn = (GameObject)Instantiate(

    shellspawn.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = shellspawn.transform.up * EnemySpeed;

    Destroy(shellspawn, 10.0f);



Drag you Prefab into your scene, and check if it is as you expect. It sounds like you have just prefabbed the child in this case.