Only objects that spawned just before connection are not visible

When the client connected to the server, it checked all the objects with the function networkObject.IsNetworkVisibleTo(clientId). Invisible objects return true. Why?

Objects with ‘Spawn With Observers’ set to true.

If you are not spawning, it will display normally even if you reconnect.


If you run this before OnNetworkSpawn the object isn‘t yet fully initialized.

„Not spawning“ probably means „not synchronized across the network“ here so this is expected.

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I am not good at English, so I used a translator, but it seems the message was not conveyed correctly. Let me explain the problem again.

When a client connects to the server, previously spawned objects are automatically spawned. (Spawn With Observers)

The issue occurs when a client connects while multiple objects are being spawned at regular intervals.

Only the object spawned immediately before the client connects is not visible on the client.

For example, when objects A, B, and C are spawned sequentially:

A is spawned.

B is spawned.

Client connects.

C is spawned.

In this scenario, only object B is not visible on the client.

I had a go but can’t reproduce this. Can you share your project or reproduce the problem in a smaller project?

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The object I thought hadn’t spawned was actually under a different child object due to a timing issue. It was my mistake. I apologize, and thank you.

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