Only Wifi for UnityRemote?

So I can only use UnityRemote over Wifi? And not if my iPhone is directly plugged in to my computer?

I don’t have Wifi in my home office … only in my house (office is in converted garage)… and I didnt really want to add wifi here JUST for this.

Is there something i can do to have UnityRemote work over the USB cable?

Does your Mac not have an Airport card?

(Just to add to Jessy’s post), if your mac does have an Airport card, click the “Create Network” link in your Airport menu - and you will have an ad-hoc network to connect your iPhone to.

Nope, my main working machine is a MacPro… didnt bother getting an AirPort card as it is always hard wired to the network.

I can move my AirPort Extreme Basestation into my office if I need to… but just a hassle that I wasnt expecting.

I thought you could do it from a USB to iPhone cable, am I wrong?

Can you?

Apple doesn’t provide any official API to send/receive data over USB cable to iPhone.

So answer is NO, we can’t use USB cable for UnityRemote.

what about a Ipod Touch and UnityRemote with a Mac Mini?

A mini has an Airport, so just make a wireless network.
