"OnMouseDown" equivalent for iPAD

I have 3d game objects (with colliders) and when the mouse clicks them, they load certain levels, here is the script attached to those objects:

#pragma strict
function Start () {
function OnMouseDown () {
    Application.LoadLevel ("Brink_Day_UI");

Searched the scripting doc but couldn’t find a simple function to replace the “OnMouseDown” function on iPAD. Any ideas?

There is not event / Function that gets called but this should work.

#pragma strict
function Update () {
if (Input.touchCount > 0) {
       Application.LoadLevel ("Brink_Day_UI");

(Maybe this could be designed better.)

The usual technique is to use raycasting (which is what OnMouseDown actually does behind the scenes anyway).


I’ve used Input.GetMouseButtonDown along with raycasting, works with mouse single touch as well, which is nice.