I want to make a script that when I mouse over a door object and my distance is less than 2 and press the use button the door will play it’s open animation. However i don’t know how to get the distance of the object mousing over the door. How do I do that? I’ve looked at the scripting reference but I couldn’t find what I was looking for. Thanks!
Here is a script that pick objects you can interact with every periode second. This is just off the top of my head, so be careful.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public delegate void InteractifEvent( GameObject obj );
public class InteractifPicker : MonoBehaviour
public float period = .1f; // Cast a ray every period second
public Camera cam;
public string layerName = "Interactif";
public float distance = 100f;
public event InteractifEvent onInteractifEnter, onInteractifStay, onInteractifExit;
private bool isPicking = false;
private GameObject pickedObject = null;
public void StartPicking(){ StartCoroutine( PickingLoop() ); }
public void StopPicking(){ isPicking = false; }
private IEnumerator PickingLoop()
isPicking = true;
while( isPicking )
yield return new WaitForSeconds(period);
private void Pick()
Ray ray = cam.ScreenPointToRay( Input.mousePosition );
RaycastHit info;
// First, cast the ray
if( Physics.Raycast( ray, out info, distance, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer( layerName ) ) )
// Then we check which situation we're in : entering, staying or leaving.
GameObject obj = info.transform.gameObject;
if( pickedObject == null )
RaiseEvent( onInteractifEnter, obj );
// We switch the target without having a frame with no target.
if( pickedObject.GetInstanceID() != obj.GetInstanceID() )
RaiseEvent( onInteractifExit, pickedObject );
RaiseEvent( onInteractifEnter, obj );
// We're staying on the target
RaiseEvent( onInteractifStay, pickedObject );
pickedObject = obj;
// We left an object, Exit
if( pickedObject != null )
RaiseEvent( onInteractifExit, pickedObject );
pickedObject = null;
private void RaiseEvent( InteractifEvent e, GameObject obj )
if( e != null )
And then inside another script
using UnityEngine;
public class PickerTest : MonoBehaviour {
public InteractifPicker picker;
private void Start()
picker.onInteractifEnter += new InteractifEvent( Enter );
picker.onInteractifStay += new InteractifEvent( Stay );
picker.onInteractifExit += new InteractifEvent( Exit );
private void Enter( GameObject obj ){ print( "Enter : " + obj ); }
private void Stay( GameObject obj ){ print( "Stay : " + obj ); }
private void Exit( GameObject obj ){ print( "Exit : " + obj ); }
You can then check the distance in the events.
The way i would look at it is distance from the viewing camera to the gameObject. Then you can specify the distance in a condition.
public var canClick:boolean;
public var someDistance:float;
function OnMouseOver()
var sqrDistance=someDistance*someDistance;
var distance=Camera.main.transform.position-door.transform.position;
else if(canClick)canClick=false;
function OnGUI()
if(canClick)//open door, play animation