OnnxLayerImportException: Only tensors of rank 4 or less are supported, but got rank 6

I made tiny yolo model file by “keras-yolo2” (“Tiny Yolo” mode) and converted .h5 to .onnx by “keras2onnx”.
Then I import model file in Unity, An error occurred.
“OnnxLayerImportException: Only tensors of rank 4 or less are supported, but got rank 6”
Is there a way to use this model? Is “keras-yolo2” or “keras2onnx” unusable?

Used: Unity 2019.4.2f1
All error message:

For Barracuda problems with models that weren’t generated by ML-Agents, please ask on the Barracuda github issues page: Issues · Unity-Technologies/barracuda-release · GitHub

Thank you for your reply.
There was a similar case on that page, so I will try it while looking at it.

Please I face the same issue, did you solve it