OnTrigger Collision glitch

Hello, a peculiar glitch is occurring when my ‘Boat’ object collides with other ‘Rock’ gameobjects. On collision it will slow down dramatically, and appear to shake left and right, and often times gravitate towards the right without me controlling it. If it helps, the ‘Boat’ is set on a straight forward path and can only move left and right without turning. Attached to the Boat is a box collider, Rigid Body and camera. The boat is set to loose score, which is dispayed on the GUI, when it collides with a Rock. This is done by an OnTriggerEnter script. Attached to the Rocks are mesh colliders and either sphere colliders or box colliders. This glitch has just started to happen recently and has me absolutely stumped.

Thank you for any answers or feedback, -Ben

Turns out the problem was that the collider on the Boat was smaller than those of the Rocks, if that makes any sense. Specifically the Y value.