onTriggerEnter accesing gameObject components

I am trying to disable a script and change its colour of enemies that are entering the trigger, but I can not seem to find a way to do this.

Here is the code of what I have tried so far:

  function OnTriggerEnter (collide:Collider){

	if(collide.gameObject.name == "enemy1R2" && doOnce == true){
	 	collide.gameObject.renderer.material.color = Color.yellow;
		collide.gameObject.GetComponent("AI_nm1").enabled = false; 	
    	doOnce = false;


are you getting your collision?
From what im seeing you never asign collide to the enemy below the function and above the if place this line

 enemy1R2 = GameObject.GetComponentswithTag("enemy1R2")

if you have more than one enemy with that tag you will needto make it a array.