I have a scene created in Unity 4 that does some overlap detecting in edit mode. To do that, I use OnTriggerEnter, OnTriggerExit, and OnTriggerStay in a component that has [ExecuteInEditMode]. In Unity 4, everything works great. When I move a GameObject that has my component, things get done.
However, importing this scene in Unity 5 completely breaks everything. When I move my GameObject, I no longer enter my various trigger functions. However, Update() gets called, so ExecuteInEditMode does work.
Is this intentional? Is there another way, in edit mode, to detect what is overlapping my GameObject?
I have the same issue, did you find a way to make it works ?
I used the bounds in the Update to detect manually the collision, but it does not work well for 3D triangles (empty space in the bounds)
Do you know how I could activate Trigger and Collision detection in the Editor with Unity 5 ?
Same problem with Unity 5.5.0f3 The Events OnTriggerEnter2D, OntriggerStay2D and OntriggerExit2D work perfect in Play mode, if I use [ExecuteInEditMode] they still work in Play mode, but they DO NOT work in EditMode.
I think I just hit this too in Unity 2017.1 (first time I’ve used Unity). Bad news for my interactive editing tools, can’t find a solution or helpful reference to the problem anywhere.